If the maximum of this function is found (dF=dr 0), Kelvin's equation results.
Of course, the maximum must occur at r
and thus Kelvin's equation is satisfied
for droplets of a critical radius. Using Kelvin's equation, it is possible to
calculate the size of a critical radius for droplet formation. For example, at 0ëC
and at a supersatuation of 4.2, water droplets are observed in water vapor. This
leads to a calculation of r
of 0.8 nanometers which is a cluster of approximately
70 water molecules. For solidification of a solid phase one must change the
various constants to those of the solid. For exam ple, equation 10.16 would be
written with the solid±liquid interfacial tension and the entropy change for
This discussion of droplets leads to some interesting issues in solidification:
1. The formation of very small particles necessitates that surface energy must
be included in our description of equilibrium. Thus, current equilibrium
phase diagrams cannot predict the onset of solidification as they are based
upon bulk observations or calculations using bulk properties. Thu s
equilibrium phase diagrams as a function of particle size are necessary
and a diagram of this type was recently calculated by Tanaka et al.
for the
system copper±lead. Similar affects of particle size have been measured by
who noted that the melting temperature of pure gold decreased
markedly (by more than 100K) when the particle size decreased below 20
2. Solidification structures will naturally coarsen due to the influence of
curvature on local equilibrium.
The discussion of the thermodynamics of solidification so far has lead us to
understand that the equilibrium phase diagram does not neces sarily help us in
our understanding of the initiation of solidification and that, when solidification
occurs by fluctuations of small groups of atoms or molecules, the phase diagram
must be altered due to the affect of radius on the equilibrium position.
10.2.4 Nucleation rate and the formation of non-equilibrium
In addition to the effect of radius, one must also include the effect of cooling rate
when discussing solidification, as it is possible to undercool liquids to the point
that the liquid be gins to exhibit solid-like b eha vior. For example, the
undercooled liquid can fail in a brittle mode at low temperatures or deform
plastically at higher temperatures. Thus, not only can the phase diagram be
changed by particle size, it should also take into account the effect of cooling
rate on the potential for metastable phase formation and glass formation. Clearly
this is beyond the realm of thermodynamics alone.
Following the view that small fluctuations are responsible for the initiation of
it was postulated that the homogeneous nucleation rate (J)
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