charcoal was employed for all cases. While the charcoal concentrations decrease
with time in the case of the small particles in the ranges 10±30 and 30±50 m,
the concentration of the charcoal particles in the size range 120 ±150 m is
almost const ant. A flow rate of 0.4l Nl/min would pass 36.9 litres of gas in 1.5
hours through the water bath, which was only 0.8 litres.
It is reasonable to
believe that the charcoal particles had a very high probability of meeting the gas
bubbles during such a time period. The floatation coefficient of the charcoal±
water±gas system is 105 mN/m.
If a positive floatation coefficient would
ensure the attachment of the particles on the bubbles, most of the particles would
have been removed from the bath. The controversy between the exper imental
observation and the floatation coefficient evidently demonstrates that the
floatation coefficient is only a necessary but not a sufficient condition for
separation of particles or drops from the bulk liquid by gas bubbles.
In order to predict the removal of inclusions having particle sizes at m level
from steel, new models taking into account interfacial ener gies, drag force,
buoyancy force and gravity force are needed.
9.6 Micro-modelling
Mathematical modelling of process is no longer only an academic exercise
nowadays. With the advance of computer technology, modelling has become
more and more a powerful tool for process design and optimization.
Modelling of materials processes requires a fundamental understanding of the
process based on thermodynamics, transport phenomena and kinetics of the
steps involved. This aspect has been discussed in detail in the previous sections.
While a traditional thermochemical model often lacks the input from kinetics
and transport phenomena, computerized fluid dynamic (CFD) models often lack
a thermodynamic and kinetic basis. Furthermore, CFD models need accurate
input of thermophysical data, such as the viscosities of the various molten
phases and the interfacial tensions, to generate reliable mapping of flow patterns
in reactors.
Futuristic process models, referred to as `macro-models' should be structured
using the reaction models that are parts of the gross process. Such reaction
models referred to as `micro-models' may be advantageously used as building
blocks. The micro-models, in fact, are reaction descriptions ba sed on
experimental thermochemical and kinetic information. The latter needs to be
complemented by thermophysical data, essentially to describe the heat transfer
and mass transfer phenomena involved. The ph ilosophy underlying this is
illustrated in Fig. 9.10.
To further elaborate this aspect, the sulphur refining in ladle treatment is
taken as an example.
Conventionally, the two-film theory has been used for
many decades to describe the slag±metal reactions. When using this theory, a
mass-transfer coefficient is employed to describe the rate of the overall reaction
Improving process design in steelmaking 393