atmosphere where growth rates are higher and the solidification starts at shorter
times and higher temperatures in humid atmospheres.
It is not unusual in continuous cast structures to observe a fine structure on
the surface followed by a columnar zone. Often this fine surface structure is
referred to as a chill zone; however, it is very difficult to determine the exact
nature of this zone by metallography. This fine structure is an indication of
undercooling in the mold and as the liquid steel near the top of a mold is in
contact with a liquid slag. Thus nucleation at this interface is quite difficult and
should require a significant undercooling. Thus nucleation can be heterogeneous
on the inclusions that are natural to the system and are transported into this area
by bulk fluid flow or by nucleation on solid particles at the mold slag±steel
interface. The nature of the initial solidification zone will be determined by the
nature of the local fluid flow, the density of potential heterogeneous nuclei in the
bulk of the steel and the density of potential nuclei on the slag±steel interface.
10.4.3 The surface of steel cast continuously in an oscillating
During the continuous casting of steel it is common to see surface marks on the
surface of cast material. Generally there is at least one mark per oscillation cycle
of the mold. This is shown in Fig. 10.27 wher e the steel surface is shown on the
right-hand side of the picture (b) and the slag surface sticking to the mold is shown
on the left-hand side of the picture (a). Thus, in operation, both sides would be in
contact and the slag surface would be an exact fit to the steel surface.
The surface topography of continuous cast steels is dependent upon the
thermal conditions in the mold and the steel grade that is cast (Fig. 10.31). In
general ultra low carbon steels, which tend to have very low solute content,
exhibit deep marks that also form hook structures in the surface of the cast slab
where it appears that the liquid meniscus solidified and then was subsequently
overflowed. In peritectic steels there are also deep marks but the steel surface
itself is also wrinkled where in medium carbon grades the oscillation marks are
very small and are more like undulations (Fig. 10.32).
In the formation of oscillation marks in ultra low carbon steels, where hook
formation is common, recent work has shown that in this case the mark is
formed by an increased rate of heat transfer during the negative strip period of
mold oscillation due to the liquid meniscus moving closer to the mold wall .
Negative strip time is defined as the period during which the mold is moving
downwards faster than the strand, while the remaining duration of the oscillation
cycle is called the positive strip period. For sinusoidal oscillation, negative strip
time is quantified by the following equation:
Solidification and steel casting 439