144 5 Chaos Control
of balancing by humans [68], the control of mechanical oscillating metal beams
[70], or of CO
lasers systems [69].
5.3.2 Synchronization
Synchronization is a widespread phenomenon observed between coupled sys-
tems. For example the well-known Belousov–Zhabotinskii chemical reaction
can be chaotic, but it is spatially uniform [57]. Hence, all spatial regions are
obviously synchronized with each other, even if the basic dynamics is a chaotic
motion. However, synchronization is not universal. In other circumstances the
uniformity of the Belousov–Zhabotinskii reaction becomes unstable and a pro-
nounced spatiotemporal dynamics occurs.
The first quantitative observation of a synchronization phenomenon is at-
tributed to Huygens in 1673 during his experiments for developing improved
pendulum clocks [72]. Two clocks were found to oscillate with the same fre-
quency due to the very weak coupling in terms of the nearly imperceptible
oscillations of the trestle on which both clocks were hanging. But we realize
again that synchronization is not a universal phenomena, because it was ob-
served by Huygens only if the individual frequencies of the clocks are almost
The problem of a control of chaotic systems can at least be partially solved
by the application of synchronization effects. This is possible if one of the
coupled systems serves as a controller that is connected to the system. The
goal of the control is to make this system follow a prescribed time evolution,
i.e., a tracking protocol. We may interpret this behavior as a synchronization
of the system under control with the dynamics of the controller.
Here, we will discuss a very simple control mechanism using synchroniza-
tion effects. Let us assume we have a system the dynamics of which is described
by the evolution equation (2.53) and a well-defined optimal control problem.
The solution of this problem are the control equations which are defined by
the optimal evolution equation (2.74), the control law (2.75), and the adjoint
evolution equation (2.70). As discussed in Chap. 2, the control law is usu-
ally a set of algebraic relations between the vectorial control functions u
the generalized momenta P
, and the state vector X
which may be used for
the elimination of the control function u
= u
,t). Unfortunately, this
representation is not unique. Because of the fact that the differential equa-
tions (2.74), (2.75), and (2.70) solve the optimal control problem, we obtain
the complete solution (X
(t), P
(t), u
(t)). From here, we have infinite num-
ber of ways to eliminate the time in u
(t) partially or completely by suitable
combinations of X
and P
. Hence, there exist infinite number of different re-
lations u
= u
,t). The main problem of using synchronization effects
for driving a system to the optimal dynamics is to find an appropriate equation
connecting u
, X
. This usually requires heuristic experience.
Let us assume that we have such a relation. Hence, we obtain the optimal
evolution equations