X ~ ... --+ Y --+ ... --+ X. So cr~ r 13, let Z be the first element of a~ on ~r. But
then c~ = X --~ ... --~ Z ~ ... ](" can't be active, since otherwise
Dz M Gx # 13,
and then there would be a cycle X --+ Z --+ ... -+ U E
Gx -+ X.
c) Disjointness is trivial. The special cases wit'h ~ = 13 follow from </2 I] 142 >A
iff for all ~r : U... W ~r~ # 13 - which has to hold by prerequisite. Assume there is
a ~-active path ~r : U... V for U EYi, V ~ Zi. By a), a can be assumed minimal
such. Let V E Yj, j # i. c~ = U --+ ... --+ V can't be monotone as then U E Yj.
Case 1: cr = U ~ W... V, so W E Y, and W E ~ (by minimality of or), but then
W E ~r~ and ~r is not active.
Case 2: r = U ---+ W... V. We show by induction that r is monotone, and are
finished by above remark. Assume monotonicity holds up to R # IS, so ~r = U --+
W --+ ... --+ R .... V. By minimality of o', R r If R E Y//, then U E ~, as
is upward closed, but U E}~. So R r Y~, but then DR M ~ _C D--~ M Yi = !3.
As c~ is active, /~ r ~r~, so r = U --+ W--* ... + R--+ S...V. []
Let in the sequel P be a strictly positive probability measure on II)/(1; the vertices
of A), which satisfies the independency relations of A, i.e. if < 7t' [ 32 ] Z >A,
P(x I 9) = P(z ] y, z)
for x E FiX etc. (and likewise for y = ~3).
Lemma 6.63 Let
Xi : i E I, Xi E "1;
be such that for
i # j E I Xi f~ Dx,.
i E I}] can be computed from {P A[~T] : i E I}, where P[X] := {<
z, P(x)
>: z E HA'} - i.e. the function P on the product IIA'.
Proof By induction on card(I). The case
= 1 is trivial. Assume it has
been shown for all II such that
card(I1) < n,
= n + 1, and i E I.
Assume the notation of Lemma 6.62, c), so <1~d ~ [ Z~ >a, and thus for
o o
P(Y, ~7, z) = e(y,~.P(z,~
But now Yi U~ = Y~ =
p(~ "
P(f) = E{P(b, 9): b EII !~}, thus < b,~7 >E liE. By ~ U Z~ = U{)-xxj : i r E
I} and induction hypothesis,
P(z, ~1)
is computable from {P[AxTx,] : i 7 ~ j E I}.
(The case Y/= 13 is even simpler.) []
Corollary 6.64 Let A = (];, al) be a finite DAG as above. Let for each node
X ~ 1, ~ I(X) be given, where
I(X):= P[X] =:{<x,P(x)
>: x E X} if
Gx = 13,
and I(X) :=
P[X I ax]
= {<
I y) >: x E
E IICx} otherwise.
Let Z C_ p be a set of nodes in A, then
and P[U{Ay : Y E Z}] can be
computed from {I(X): X E A-Tv, Y E Z}.
In particular, if l) = {N~ ... N,~}, n~ E N,-, then all
P(nl ...
rim) can be computed
from all
Thus, all "constants" etc. appearing in Pearl's algorithms can be
computed - when necessary - from the given information.
Proof By induction on p := maximal rank of elements in Z. p = 0: Then
no two ]I, YI E Z are comparable, and PlAY-y] = P[Y] is given by prerequisite.
Lemma 6.68 shows the result.