9.3 Randomized Compact Routing 153
79c: Since the congestion of 79c is at most R, and the expected node con-
tention in G(s, n) is at most 4, the expected stage congestion is at most
- 79~: Since T'~ has congestion O(1) and dilation O(R), and the expected
node contention in G(s, n) is at most 4, it follows that the expected stage
congestion is O(R).
- P~, 79F~: Each cluster belonging to a subgraph B(s) has R paths to each of
the other clusters in B(s). Since each path has to simulate {9(R) edges in
G(s, n), and the expected contention of any edge in B(s) is a s, the expected
stage contention for each of these paths is at most O(~). Together with
Lemma 9.3.4 this yields an expected stage congestion of O(R). The same
can be shown for clusters that belong to one or contain several subgraphs
For any fixed stage q, let the random variable Xe q denote the number of
packets at stage q that traverse edge e in H during the simulation of routing
in G(s, n) by H. Further let, for every packet p, the binary random variable
Xpq,~ be one if and only if p traverses e at stage q during the simulation.
Then Xe q = ~ xpq,~. Since the probabilities for the X~,~ are independent
and E[X~] = ~(R), we can apply Chernoff bounds to get that the stage
congestion for e is bounded by O(R+log N), w.h.p. Thus the stage congestion
for the whole simulation of routing a random 2-relation in G(s, n) is bounded
by O(R + log N), w.h.p.
log R < 2s < R: In this case H has to simulate the routing of a randomly
chosen 2[~[-relation in G(s, n). Hence we get for
- :P~ and 7~F: According to Lemma 9.3.6, both path collections have conges-
tion O(1) and dilation O(R). Since the expected node contention in G(s, n)
4 R
is at most L~J, and each node in G(s,n) is represented by 212~J copies
in H, we get an expected stage congestion of O(R).
- P~: Each cluster has 69(s) paths to other clusters in H, one path for each
4 R
node in G(s,n). Since the expected node contention in G(s,n) is [~J,
and the congestion of P~ is O(s), we get an expected stage congestion of
Analogous to the case 2s _> R it follows that the stage congestion is also
bounded by O(R + logN) w.h.p, for the case logR <__ 2s < R. []
Thus we can prove the following theorem.
9.3.1. Let H be an arbitrary network with N nodes, degree d
and routing number R = Y2(logN). Then, for every s E {logR,...,N},
there is a randomized path selection scheme for routing any permutation
along O(log, N) stages of simple path collections with stage congestion O(R),
w.h.p., and stage dilation O(R), if O(s 9 dlogd + logN) space is available at