126 8. Adaptive Routing Protocols
Note that we showed above that for randomly distributed edges the m-
distributor fails to fulfill the requirements of the balancing phase resp. the
placement phase with probability at most 2/s. Thus for randomly distributed
edges a single m-distributor fails to fulfill the requirements of both the bal-
ancing phase and the placement phase with probability at most 4/s. Hence
for sufficiently large s there exists an m-distributor that can be used for both
the balancing phase and the placement phase.
Next we analyze the delivery phase. Since each input node wants to send
at most ~k " k = ~ requests, the edges of the (s, m, k)-splitter can be dis-
tributed in such a way that each output node has degree ~ and therefore
receives at most ~ requests. This ensures that, if an output node stores at
most ~ packets at the beginning of the delivery phase, it can accept r new
packets from every edge of the (s, m, k)-splitter without having more than
r 9 s packets afterwards. Since output nodes with more than -~ packets may
cause problems, we need a bound for the number of packets that can not be
sent from the input nodes to the output nodes.
Proposition 8.1.5. Let y be the total number o] packets stored in the output
nodes. For all k e {1,..., V~} there exists an (s, m, k)-splitter for distributing
the requests ]or the active packets in such a way among the outputs that at
most 4_~ active packets fail to be sent to their output sets.
Proof. Consider a fixed output set Y. Let y~ be the number of packets stored
in its nodes. The proof consists of a probabilistic argument. In particular, we
show that for randomly chosen edges such that each input node has ~k and
output node has ~ endpoints the probability is less than one that, for any
y, _< ~m, there is a subset Cy, of input nodes (of size depending on y') such
that, for any choice of ~ edges out of the ~k edges leaving input nodes in
Cy,, all remaining edges point to output nodes with more than -~ packets.
Thus there exists a bipartite graph that restricts the number of active packets
that fail to reach Y to be at most -~ ICu, I.
Let m be the number of input and output nodes of the splitter and %, be
the size of Cy,. Then the probability described above is bounded by
r-4- U'
This is because the number of ways to choose %, out of m input nodes
for Cy, is (%m), and the number of ways to choose ~k out of the ~k edges
{s/2k~ cvl
leaving input nodes in Cy, is bounded by ~,/4kJ . Furthermore there are at
most ~ output nodes with more than -~ packets. The number of ways to
choose a subset of output nodes such that all output nodes with more than
[ ra/k
packets are included is therefore bounded by xy'/(rs/2)J" The probability