8.1 Deterministic Routing in Multibutterflies 129
1 + f(s)w q- f(s) q-
(f(s)w) 2 = O(w -1)
every two phases, and for r = O(log 8 N), $(T) < r. Since there are only O(1)
batches to route the theorem follows. []
We now show how to extend this scheme to route any global r. s-relation
in O(log s N) steps. To simplify the presentation we use a topology with 3N
nodes we simply call
G(r, s, d, k)
for routing r 9 s 9 N packets. G(r, s, d, k)
consists of 3d levels of n = kV/-s d-1 nodes each and uses edges that can
forward r packets in one step. The first d levels are connected by (s, n, 1)-
touters, the second d levels represent the (r, s, d, k)-MBF, and the last d
levels are connected to each other by ~ forward edges between any input i
and output i for all i E {1,...,n).
Overlapping these three stages and identifying the corresponding nodes
yields an N-node topology of depth d with degree 2(2s + s) + 2. ~ = 7s, that
can simulate one step in
G(r, s, d, k)
with constant delay. Such a network is
extended s-ary multibutterfly
and denoted by (r, s, d, k)-XBF.
Initially, all the r. s. N packets reside in the first d levels of
G(r, s, d, k).
All the final destinations of the packets are in the nodes of the last d levels.
Clearly, there is a path with no more than 3d edges between every node in
the first part and every node in the third part, and this path can be locally
computed. A packet initially at node (~, x) with destination (~, x ~) can take
an arbitrary path forward to level d. By bit comparison, the packet is then
led to the node (2d, x'), and then by the direct edges ((k, x'), (k + 1,
packet reaches its destination.
Each packet p with destination level q is assigned a fixed rank during the
routing defined as rank(p) = q - 2d E [d]. For each node v in G(r, s, d, k), we
define the
of v to be the r~-largest rank in v if there are at least r~
packets in v and -1 otherwise.
8.1.4 Description of the Global Protocol
We partition the rs 9 N messages into 1566 batches such that no more than
rs 9
m/1566 messages from each batch that have the same destination level
traverse any m-router in the MBF-levels. This can be done by declaring
only those packets to be active at level j if their destination is in the set
{z I z = j - 1 (mod 1566)). For the purpose of analysis we assume that all
batch j packets have been routed before transmitting batch j + 1 packets,
and we now concentrate on the routing of one batch.
Nodes at even levels of G(r, s, d, k) are active in odd phases, nodes at odd
levels are active in even phases. In one phase, the following routing strategies
are performed in the three different parts of
G(r, s, d,
One Phase within the First d Levels. Consider an (s, n, 1)-router whose
inputs are active. Let p denote the minimal rank such that the number of