182 12. Protocols for All-Optical Networks
When the transmitters are fixed-tuned and the receivers are tunable, Pieris
and Sasaki [PS93] showed that the number of 2 x 2 switches required for
permutation routing is
~7(n log(n/w)),
and constructed such a network using
O(nlog(n/w) )
When generalized switches are used, Pankaj
et al.
[Pa92, PG95] showed
that ~2(logn) wavelengths are required for permutation routing. They also
showed that rearrangeably non-blocking permutation routing can be done
with O(log 2 n) wavelengths and wide-sense non-blocking permutation routing
can be done with O(log 3 n) wavelengths in popular interconnection networks
such as the shuffle exchange network, the DeBruijn network, and the hyper-
cube. Awerbuch
et al.
could show a tight bound of O(log n) wavelengths for
both rearrangeable and wide-sense non-blocking permutation networks.
Raghavan and Upfal [RU94] prove results that establish a connection be-
tween the expansion of a network and the number of wavelengths required
for routing on it, considering both elementary and generalized switches. In
[RS95], Ramaswami and Sivarajan present a lower bound on the blocking
probability for any so-called routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) al-
gorithm if requests and terminations of connections arrive at random, and
generalized switches are used. They study both the case that wavelength
conversion is allowed and not allowed at the routers.
In case that wavelength conversion is allowed at every router, the trial-
and-failure protocol and duplication protocol presented in the previous chap-
ter can be used to obtain a fast routing time, w.h.p. However, all-optical
devices for wavelength conversion are still a topic in research and might sig-
nificantly increase the cost of a router. Therefore we will show in this chapter
how fax one can get without wavelength conversion.
12.3 A Simple, Efficient Protocol
In the following we investigate how much time is necessary to route messages
to their destinations given an arbitrary shortcut-free path collection with links
of some fixed bandwidth in case that wavelength conversion is not allowed.
For this we need the following definition.
path congestion C
of a path collection :P is defined as the maximum
over all paths p in 7 ) of the total number of paths that share an edge with p.
Since the communication time is usually much higher than the calculation
time of processors (this is the case even in all-optical networks, mainly caused
by the time to initiate a communication) it is very important to have routing
protocols that are as simple as possible. Hence the processors should use
strategies that do not rely on any coordination. Since messages can not be
buffered during the routing along their path there are basically two types of
strategies to handle such a situation: starting messages with random delays,
or assigning priorities to messages. Clearly, the most simple protocol that can
be thought of for sending worms along a fixed path collection using routers