1. Click the Display number in the Navigation Window that you want to view .
2. The Display immediately appears in the Display Editor.
How many displays can I create?
Yes, there is a limit of 80 text displays. Do remember that, in addition to the text displays, there are 120 List
Variables that can be displayed on a controller.
You insert Variables into a Display to:
Show varying values and text on the controller screen.
Enter values into the controller.
Use the Variable Editor to link variables to the operands that contain the data you want to use in your program.
You can use variables in your HMI program to display text that varies according to current conditions or events.
Variable integers also can receive data input from the keypad keys, such as an employee ID number, or a set
point for process control.
Displaying Variable Values in a Display
To display data from an HMI variable within a display, you must:
Create a field within the display that is long enough to hold the variable data.
Attach a variable to the field.
To Create a Field
1. Click your cursor in the display. This is the starting point of the field.
2. To create the field, either:
3. Drag the cursor across the display. The field you create is automatically highlighted in blue.
4. Hold the SHIFT key down, and press the right-pointing arrow key. Each time you press the arrow key, a
space is automatically highlighted in blue.
In the figure below, the display contains a field two spaces long.