U90 Ladder Software Manual
If the SIM requests the PUK number, the SIM must be taken out of the modem and
installed into a phone to enable the number to be entered.
If the SIM is full, the SIM must be taken out of the modem and installed into a phone to
enable the SIM to be cleared.
The modem must be able to support Text mode. P.D.U. mode is not supported.
When a controller sends an SMS text message
The controller uses the Send command, containing the number to be called: AT+CMGS= ”phone
The controller then waits for the reply '>'.
When the '>' is received, the controller sends the message, ending the line with CTRL_Z
If the message is successfully sent, the controller will receive a message of
confirmation,+CMGS:xx. When this message is received by the controller, SB 184 turns ON.
The confirmation message is acknowledged by OK.
If :
the message of confirmation is not received within 15 seconds, or
the '>' is not received within 3 seconds, SB 185 turns ON.
When the controller receives an SMS text message:
It receives the command: +CMTI: “SM” ,xx. Xx is a number in the controller's memory, 1 to 20.
When the message is received, the controller asks the modem for the text via the command
The modem replies with +CMGR, including the phone number, status, text, and concluding with
Note •
When a Com port has been successfully initialized, the relevant bit turns ON: SB 80 , 82, 83 or
If initialization fails, SB 81, 83, 85, or 87 will turn ON.
'The Sniffer'--Viewing communication strings
The instructions below show you how to construct a communications 'Sniffer'. This device enables you to use
Hyperterminal to view communication strings flowing between a PLC and an external, connected device such
as a bar code reader.
‘Sniffer’ is
connected to
the external
‘COM’ is
to the