When bundles are stockedontop of each other,itisimportantthat the wood components supporting
the load should be on top of each other.Misplaced suppor ts can damage the bundles underneath them
(Figure8.47). Boxes, Containers and Cradles
Avarietyofmetal, wire,paper,plastic, and other containers are used by the industrytostoreand ship roll
formed goods. The packaging material is dictated by price, type of product, storage, material handling,
and shipping requirements, indoor or outdoor application, and temporaryorfinal nature.
8.10 Finished Product Storage
The formed products maybestored for the next operation or for shipping.The storage can be within the
plant building or outdoors.
8.10.1 In-Plant Storage
Most of the roll formed goods are stored inside the plant. To save valuable plant floor area, bundles or
other products storage devices are stacked on top of each other,ashighaspracticalityand safetypermit. Multiple Height Storage
Bundles, crates, tote boxes, cardboardboxes, and so on, can be piled on top of each other.The height of
piling is restricted by the crush resistance of the bottom unit in the pile, the stabilityofthe pile, the
maximum reach of the truck or crane, the height of the building, and the frequency of need to remove
packages from the middle or bottom of the pile. If bundle dividers or the bundle (package) lifting unit has
to be manually positioned, then the safe reaching or climbing height can be arestrictingfactor. Storage Racks
Storage racks are frequently used when quick access to anyofthe loads is required. This method is
favoredtostoreunitized pallets, tote boxes, and goods sensitive to piling and damage. Products stored in
storage racks can occupy considerably morespace than goods piled on top of each other.The distance
between the storage rack columns also limits the length of products stored in racks. Cantilever Racks
Cantilever racks are relatively expensive, but are occasionally used for storing long products such as
building panels, if quick access to anypackage and good protection are important.
One shortcoming of all rack storage system is that occasionally packages are left and “forgotten”at
higher storage levels.
8.10.2 Outdoor Storage
Building products, culvertpipes, and some other products can be stored outdoors. The biggest advantage
of outdoor storage is its low cost. Its disadvantages are that, in most cases, extra precaution has to be
taken against corrosion, pilfering,and loading and unloading in bad weather maynot be convenient.
Nestable products and dense piles must also be stored at aslight angle to drain water.The water may
originate from lubricant left on the product, rain, melting snow, or condensation. Products stored
outdoors cool down during the night. During the day,the densely piled metal acts as a“heatsink,”and the
water from the hot humid air condenses on the surface of the products. Excessive water can stain
prepainted, stainless steel, or aluminum sheets and can create white and eventually brown rust on
galvanized products. Unprotected “black” steel rusts so quickly that usually it is recommended that they
are not stored outdoors.
In ahumid sunnysummer week without anyrainfall, asingle crate of building products, wrapped
tightly in polyethylene sheet may generate 2to4gal (8 to 16 l) of water inside of the package. Therefore,
this method of protection should not be used.
Coil Processing, Material Handling, and Plant Layout 8 -31