D.C. Transients
Having confi rmed the initial and fi nal values for the transients, we now
need to consider how they vary, with time, between these limits. It has
already been stated that the variations will be non-linear (i.e. not
a straight line graph). In fact the variations follow an exponential law.
Any quantity that varies in an exponential fashion will have a graph
like that shown in Fig. 8.2(a) if it increases with time, and as in
Fig. 8.2(b) for a decreasing function.
Fig. 8.2
2τ 3τ 4τ 5τ
initial rate of change
2τ 3τ 4τ 5τ
initial rate of change
In Fig. 8.2(a) , X represents the fi nal steady state value of the variable x,
and in Fig. 8.2(b) , X
represents the initial value of x . In each case the
straight line (tangent to the curve at time t 0) indicates the initial rate
of change of x . The time interval shown as shown on both graphs is
known as the time constant, which is defi ned as follows:
The time constant is the time that it would take the variable to reach its
fi nal steady state if it continued to change at its initial rate.
From the above Figures it can be seen that for an increasing
exponential function, the variable will reach 63.2% of its fi nal value
after one time constant, and for a decreasing function it will fall to
36.8% of its initial value after seconds.
Note: Considering any point on the graph, it would take one time
constant for the variable to reach its fi nal steady value if it continued to
change at the same rate as at that point. Thus an exponential graph may
be considered as being formed from an infi nite number of tangents,
each of which represents the slope at a particular instant in time. This
is illustrated in Fig. 8.3 .
Also, theoretically, an exponential function can never actually reach
its fi nal steady state. However, for practical purposes it is assumed
that the fi nal steady state is achieved after 5 time constants. This is
justifi able since the variable will be within 0.67% of the fi nal value
after 5 seconds. So for Fig. 8.2(a) , after 5 seconds, x 0.9973 X.