230 Fundamental Electrical and Electronic Principles
Assignment Questions
A coil is rotated between a pair of poles.
Calculate the frequency of the generated
emf if the rotational speed is (a) 150 rev/s,
(b) 900 rev/minute, (c) 200 rad/s.
2 An alternator has 8 poles. If the motor winding
is rotated at 1500 rev/minute, determine
(a) the frequency of the generated emf, and
(b) the speed of rotation required to produce
frequency of 50 Hz.
3 A frequency of 240 Hz is to be generated by
a coil, rotating at 1200 rev/min. Calculate the
number of poles required.
4 A sinewave is shown in Fig. 6.38 . Determine its
amplitude, periodic time and frequency.
5 A sinusoidal current has a peak-to-peak value
of 15 mA and a frequency of 100 Hz. (a) Plot
this waveform, to a base of time, and (b)
write down the standard expression for the
6 A sinusoidal voltage is generated by an 85
turn coil, of dimensions 20 cm by 16 cm. The
coil is rotated at 3000 rev/min, with its longer
sides parallel to the faces of a pair of poles. If
the ux density produced by the poles is 0.5 T,
calculate (a) the amplitude of the generated
emf, (b) the frequency, (c) the r.m.s. and
average values.
7 Write down the standard expression for a
voltage, of r.m.s. value 45 V, and frequency
1.5 kHz. Hence, calculate the instantaneous
value, 38 s after the waveform passes
through its zero value.
8 For each of the following alternating
quantities, determine (a) the amplitude and
r.m.s. value, and (b) the frequency and period.
(i) e 250 sin 50t volt
(ii) i 75 sin 628.3t milliamp
(iii) f 20 sin 100t milliweber
(iv) v 6.8 sin (9424.8tf) volt.
9 For a current of r.m.s. value 5 A, and frequency
2 kHz, write down the standard expression.
Hence, calculate (a) the instantaneous value
15 0 μ s after it passes through zero, and (b) the
time taken for it to reach 4 A, after passing
through zero for the rst time.
10 Calculate the peak and average values for a
250 V sinusoidal supply.
11 A sinusoidal current has an average value of
3.8 mA. Calculate its r.m.s. and peak values.
12 An alternating voltage has an amplitude of
500 V, and an r.m.s. value of 350 V. Calculate
the peak factor.
13 A waveform has a form factor of 1.6, and an
average value of 10 V. Calculate its r.m.s.
14 A moving coil voltmeter, calibrated for
sinewaves, is used to measure a voltage
waveform having a form factor of 1.25.
Determine the true r.m.s. value of this voltage,
if the meter indicates 25 V. Explain why the
meter does not indicate the true value.
15 Explain why only sinusoidal waveforms can be
represented by phasors.
16 Sketch the phasor diagram for the two
waveforms shown in Fig. 6.39 .
17 Sketch the phasor diagram for the two
voltages represented by the following
834 3
sin volt,
sin( / ) volt.
I (mA)
Fig. 6.38
I (mA)
Fig. 6.39