Note these examples:
Ea este româncă
Noi suntem englezi
Ei sunt americani
Ele sunt românce
they (male)
they (female)
She is Romanian
We are English
They are American
They are Romanian
In the dialogue dumneavoastră was used. Unlike English,
Romanian has four forms for 'you'.
dumneavoastră (of ten abbreviated to dvs. when written) is the
most common. This is a polite form of 'you'.
The other forms are:
tu, used to address one person, when that person is a relative
or close friend
dumneata (usualIy abbreviated to dota), also used to address
one person, but when that person is a colleague or subordinate
voi, used to address two or more persons
Here are some examples:
Dumneavoastră sunteţi englez?
eşti ziarist?
ti american?
Are you English?
Are you a journalist?
Are you American?
Note the different persons of the verb used by tu and dumneata,
on the one hand, and dumneavoastră, on the other.
Th e verb 'to be'
In the dialogue and in the various examples given in this Unit you
may have noticed that we have used alI of the forms of the present
tense of the verb 'to be' ( '1 am', 'you are', etc.) in Romanian.
The innitive 'to be' is a in Romanian. Its forms can be found
again on the Verb Table.
Exercise 1
See if you can list the forms of the present tense of 'to be'.