machining. Six tools were used and precision
adjustment on spo t faces was required.
Figure 2-19(c) shows three turbine wheels for
micro-fluid pumps, produced by five-axes
machining. The wheels are made of vespel and
ceramic with diameters of 2–7 mm and a circum-
ferential tolerance of 2 mm.
Figure 2-19(d) shows watch base-plates made
by fully automatic production using 30 tools
including milling, drilling and tapping. The posi-
tional tolerances between the drill holes and drill
depths are 3 mm.
The cataract lens shown in Fig. 2-1 9(e) has a
surface finish of R
< 0.2 mm. Its outside contour
is machined with a milling tool (0.4 mm) and the
positioning holes are produced by drilling.
The indispensable advantage of micro-/nano-
cutting is applicable to the manufacture of 3D
complex-shape/form micro-molds. It is antici-
pated that micro-/nano-cutting will be intensively
used in the fabrication of compression molds and
injection molds. Figure 2-19(f) shows an injec-
tion-molding tool for watch-making, machi ned
by micro-milling. The material of the mold is
hardened steel 54 HRC, its position and form
tolerance is 5 mm, and its surface quality is
> 0.25 mm.
Micro-/nano-cutting brings many potentialities to
the fabrication of miniature and micro-products/
components with arbitrary geometry. The micro-/
nano-cutting process is particularly suitable for
the manufacture of individual personalized com-
ponents rather than large batch sizes, which is
largely indispensable for the current vibrant mar-
kets. With the high level of machine accuracy of
ultra-precision machine tools, good surface finish
and form accuracy can be achieved. Micro-/nano-
cutting is also capable of fabricating 3D free-form
surfaces. The high machining speed of micro-/
nano-cutting is another advantage over other
micro-manufacturing technologies. Moreover, it
can fabricate a huge range of materials, such as
steel, aluminum, brass, plastics, ceramic, poly-
mers, etc. Unlike micro-laser beam machining
and lithographic techniques, it does not require
a very expensive set-up, which enables the fabri-
cation of miniatures at an economically reason-
able cost.
The authors would like to thank all research col-
leagues in the AMEE research group at Brunel
University for stimulating discussions, and rele-
vant research publications and projects to access
and refer to. Thanks are also extended to the EU
MASMICRO Project Consortium, practically to
its RTD 5 sub-group for frequent meetings and
discussions which are always very helpful.
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CHAPTER 2 Micro-/Nano-Machining through Mechanical Cutting 37