(Pfanz et al. 1990). Indeed, research on the inheritance of SO
resistance in Cucumis sativus L.
suggests that differences in intrinsic membrane properties may contribute to variations in SO
resistance (Bressan et al. 1981). Once inside the cell, the products of some (e.g., SO
, NO
and NH
) may be metabolized via the usual channels, sequestered for later use, stored
indefinitely, or volatilized. For example, SO
-derived SO
can either be metabolized to
yield elevated levels of water-soluble nonprotein thiols (such as cysteine, g-glutamylcysteine,
and glutathione), which can be degraded at a later date to provide reduced S to support
new growth (De Kok 1990), or it can be sequestered on a semipermanent basis in the vacuole
(presuming there is sufficient available energy and H
ions to facilitate its transport across
the tonoplast) (Cram 1990, Kaiser et al. 1989, Slovik 1996). In contrast, SO
may be
photoreduced and, after volatilization, be reemitted, mainly as H
S. This pathway was
originally considered to form a possible pathway for the detoxification of SO
1984), but current opinion suggests that the contribution of such emissions to the detoxifi-
cation of environmentally relevant SO
concentrations may be negligible (Stuhlen and
De Kok 1990).
The photoautotrophic habit adopted by plants has resulted in the evolution of a sophisticated
battery of mechanisms that renders them, with exception of all but a few microbes, the most
adaptable of all multicellular organisms on the planet (Smith 1990). This flexibility includes
the capacity to sense and react to the presence of airborne pollutants, as to other environ-
mental stimuli, in a manner directed at sustaining survival to reproduction, a goal that may or
may not be achieved, depending on the extent of metabolic flexibility and the degree of stress
imposed at the cellular level.
Exposure to pollutants and other oxidative stresses induces changes in the expression
of defense-related genes, posttranslational modification of enzymes (e.g., phosphoryla-
tion=dephosphorylation), and the synthesis of secondary metabolites—resulting in increases
in the threshold for damage, that is, acclimation (Kangasja
rvi et al. 1994, Schraudner et al.
1994). Recent work suggests that the pattern of changes induced by some pollutants (e.g., O
reflects on orchestrated series of events, triggered by disparate oxidative syndromes, which
resembles the hypersensitive response provoked by pathogen attack (Alscher et al. 1997,
Pell et al. 1997, Schraudner et al. 1997). This raises the question of whether the patterns of
defense-related gene expression triggered by one pollutant are similar to those induced by
another, whether the same signal transduction pathways are involved, and whether the
similarity in response results in enhanced tolerance to a range of pollutants, and possibly
other oxidative stresses. Opinions differ. However, based on the fact that particular geno-
types, specific transformants, and plants treated with specific protectants (e.g., EDU) may be
sensitive to one pollutant but not to another (Barnes and Wellbum 1998 and references
therein), whereas the direction and the extent of the responses of the same species to different
pollutant combinations vary in individual genotypes grown under common conditions
(Bender and Weigel 1992), we take the view that despite the common responses observed at
the level of gene expression, specific mechanisms must underlie tolerance to different air
pollutants (i.e., tolerance to one pollutant is independent of that to another), as the action and
subcellular localization of the stresses imposed by pollutants differ. This conclusion is
supported by observations that differences in stomatal behavior=conductance (i.e., avoidance
mechanisms) commonly govern the similarity in response to different pollutants (Winner et al.
1991). It is also interesting to note that some pollutants (e.g., SO
and NO
) are much less
effective than others (e.g., O
) in eliciting changes in antioxidant gene expression (Schraudner
et al. 1994, Schraudner et al. 1997), whereas other stresses (such as wounding, necrotizing
pathogens, or elevated levels of UV-B radiation), which are known to elicit strong and rapid
Francisco Pugnaire/Functional Plant Ecology 7488_C020 Final Proof page 609 25.4.2007 5:25pm Compositor Name: DeShanthi
Resistance to Air Pollutants: From Cell to Community 609