light intensity, temperature, humidity, and CO
concentration result in variable rates of
photosynthesis and transpiration throughout the canopy, describing the interaction between
canopy structure and its environment is essential to providing realistic predictions. Of the
microclimatic variables affecting gas-flux rates, variability in incident light intensity is usually
responsible for much of the heterogeneity in rates of net photosynthesis and transpiration
within the canopy. This occurs primarily because of the strong light and temperature dependence
of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance, but also because of the effect of vapor-
pressure deficit on transpiration as manifested by radiation-induced increases in leaf temp-
erature. Other factors that add to variability of gas-flux rates within the canopy include
photosynthetic characteristics that vary with depth in the canopy (Beyschlag et al. 1990,
Niinemets 1997, Drouet and Bonhomme 2004) and turbulence in the canopy, which can
significantly alter temperature and humidity gradients.
Foliage intercepts both longwave (>3000 nm) and shortwave (400–3000 nm) radiation.
The portion of the shortwave spectrum where absorption by chlorophyll a and b is high is
often referred to as photosynthetically active photon flux (PFD), and may vary from full
sunlight at the top of the canopy to less than 1% of full sunlight deep within the canopy
(Pearcy and Sims 1994). Shortwave radiation (including PFD) incident on foliage is the sum
of three fluxes: direct solar beam, diffuse radiation from the sky, and diffuse radiation
reflected and transmitted by other foliage elements (Baldocchi and Collineau 1994). Position
of the sun and cloud cover affect fluxes of direct solar beam radiation, and both solar altitude
and azimuth are important in relationship to foliage. Solar direct beam flux depends
on latitude, date, time of day, and orientation of the foliage elements. Diffuse radiation
from the sky emanates from the hemisphere of the sky, and may be relatively constant across
the hemisphere with clear or uniformly overcast skies (but also see Spitters et al. 1986).
Reflection and transmission of direct beam and sky diffuse radiation within the canopy
constitutes leaf diffuse radiation, with flux as a function of the proximity and optical
properties (transmittance and reflectance) of adjacent foliage.
Absorbed shortwave (I
) and longwave (I
) radiation affect the leaf energy balance, and
in conjunction with convection, leaf transpiration, and leaf longwave emittance, affect leaf
temperature. Longwave radiation emanates to the leaf surface from the sky, soil surface, and
from surrounding foliage, and fluxes are related to the temperature and emissivity of the
radiation surfaces. Convective heat transfer (C
) between the leaf and the surrounding air
varies with air and leaf temperatures, and wind speed across the leaf surface. Leaf transpir-
ation rate affects latent heat loss (H
) from the leaf. Leaf temperature results from a balance
of energy gains and losses, which may be written as
þ I
¼ C
þ H
þ L
, (21:1)
where a
and a
are the fractions of intercepted shortwave and longwave radiation, respect-
ively, and L
is longwave radiation emittance from the leaf surface. Formulations for
convective and latent heat transfer and leaf emittance may be found in Norman (1979) and
Gates (1980). Energy balance routines to calculate leaf temperature require iterative calcula-
tion procedures when linked to stomatal conductance, and resulting model formulations are
generally more complex (Caldwell et al. 1986, Ryel and Beyschlag 1995). However, when
leaves are small or narrow in stature, the assumption that leaf and air temperature are
identical is often made (Ryel et al. 1990, 1993, Wang and Jarvis 1990).
Uniform Monotypic Plant Stands
Single-species plant communities with relatively homogeneous foliage distributions are
modeled with the simplest canopy photosynthesis models. Generally, this model structure is
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630 Functional Plant Ecology