Typically, when looking at performance by plants across Antarctica, it is necessary to use
normal meteorological data that do not reflect local microclimates. In addition, even when
microclimate data are available, all lichens and mosses in Antarctica are poikilohydric and are
inactive for variable, but often large, periods and, at those times, are almost totally pro-
tected from the extremes of climate. Data sets are now available that have recorded activity
of lichens using chlorophyll a fluorescence techniques as well as thallus parameters such as
temperature and incident PPFD. It is now possible to make preliminary analyses of the
conditions when these organisms are active and to see how substantially they differ from
the annual means that include inactive periods as well. Mean annual temperature ranges
from þ9.78C, at the summit of Guadarrama Mountains near Madrid, to 9.78C Granite
Harbour, at a range of 19.4 K. In contrast, the mean temperatures during the active periods
show only a 3.4 K range with the coldest being the maritime Antarctic site, Livingston Island,
and the difference between the Guadarrama summit and Granite Harbour being only 1.6 K.
For total daily radiation during the active period the Guadarrama and maritime sites are
practically identical, whereas the Granite Harbour site stands out with an exceptionally high
value equivalent to a mean instantaneous rate of about 55% full sunlight. This confirms the
high light stress that comes from the reverse diel pattern (Section ‘‘The Reverse Diel Cycle of
Photosynthesis and High Light Stress’’) but shows that it is a feature of continental Antarc-
tica and not of the maritime Antarctic.
The net result is that the habitats of the active plants are by no means as extreme as the
ambient conditions would suggest and, in fact, may be remarkably constant over large
latitudinal ranges, the relative constancy of habitat conditions, first demonstrated by Poelt
(1987) with lichens growing from the Mediterranean to Greenland. If this concept proves
correct for Antarctica then it means that restriction to suitable habitats controls distributions
and adaptation may not play as major role a originally expected. This is certainly an area
requiring future investigation.
The majority of the vegetation in Antarctica is composed of lichens and bryophytes, which
have considerably simpler morphology than higher plants. However, it is a mistake to equate
simpler morphology with simpler metabolism as has been done in the past, for example:
for UV-B protection (Gehrke 1998, Gwynn-Jones et al. 1999). There is growing evidence
that lichens and mosses can be agile in their metabolism. The rapid change in protection
against UV-B found by Newsham et al. (2002) and Green et al. (2005) are two examples. The
moss B. subrotundifolium, and no doubt other mosses like C. purpureus, are capable of
changing from sun to shade forms and back, again within days to weeks. Lichens are
known to be able to alter their dark respiration rate at such a rate that they are almost
fully acclimated (Lange and Green 2005). This agility poses obvious problems if samples
are taken from the field and kept in some form of storage before use. The extreme shade
response to PPFD of photosynthesis by the mosses studied by Rastorfer (1970) is a probable
result of prestorage of the material in the laboratory before use.
Considerable efforts have been made to obtain values for the productivity, the seasonal net
carbon gain, for Antarctic plants. Unfortunately most estimates have been made in the
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418 Functional Plant Ecology