there is little evidence for this and the depression could easily represent increased PR as in
higher plants. Many mosses show negative NP at higher temperatures, over about 208C
(Gannutz 1970; Longton 1988; Kappen 1989; Noekes and Longton 1989a; Wilson 1990;
Convey 1994, Davey and Rothery 1997). At 08C NP can still be substantial but is always
very low by 58C and ceases at around 78C (Kappen et al. 1989, Pannewitz et al. 2005).
Data on the photosynthetic response to WC for Antarctic mosses are not extensive but it
seems unlikely that they will differ greatly from temperate mosses. Most data are for species in
the northern, maritime Antarctic (Davey 1997b) but little difference was found between these
plants and others studied in temperate or northern tundra areas (Fowbert 1996). At Cape
Hallett (728 S) maximal WC for B. subrotundifolium and B. pseudotriquetrum were around
750% and 600% d.wt., respectively; there was a depression in NP at WC above that optimal
for NP (about 400% and 300%, respectively. Thallus water contents for half maximal NP for
the two species were 150% and 120%. These values for B. pseudotriquetrum fall in the mid-
range of those found for the same species in wet and dry sites at Windmill Islands (668 17
Robinson et al. 2000). In their study on Grimmia. antarctici, B. pseudotriquetrum, and
C. purpureus, Robinson et al. (2000) found correlations between water loss rate under
standard conditions, maximal water content, WC for half maximal photosynthetic efficiency,
desiccation tolerance, and water status of the habitat. Samples and species from the drier
habitat lost water less rapidly, had a lower WCmax, and remained photosynthetically active
to lower WC than those from wetter sites.
A strong relationship is reported between moss species distribution and water flow for
several species (Schwarz et al. 1992, Okitsu et al. 2004, Robinson et al. 2003), and Kappen et al.
(1989) found photosynthetic differences between mesic and xeric ecodemes of Schistidium
(Grimmia) antarctici the Windmill Islands. However, more detailed investigations
are needed because the moss species appear to vary in this characteristic as well. At Granite
Harbour, C. purpureus occupies the wetter sites, the exact opposite as that found for Windmill
Islands. Additionally, drying rates, water contents, and NP are commonly expressed on a dry
weight basis and it is an unfortunate fact that a large proportion of the samples can be
inorganic, for example, Pottia heimii samples that came from an apparently clean moss
hummock in the Dry Valleys had an inorganic content of a surprising 66% (unpublished
results). Response to CO
concentration has been little investigated for Antarctic mosses but
appears to be similar to that found for other C
species with saturation occurring at levels well
above ambient (Pannewitz et al. 2005). In studies at Cape Hallett at 208C, B. pseudotriquetrum
was not CO
saturated at 2000 ppm (Figure 13.4) compared with B. subrotundifolium that was
saturated at about 1000 ppm. The actual CO
concentration around the mosses is a matter of
debate but very high values, several times normal ambient levels, have been found in Grimmia
antarctici in continental Antarctica, (Tarnawski et al. 1992) and in B. subrotundifolium at Cape
Hallett (Green et al. 2000). The source of the high CO
, its seasonal change and its effect on
overall productivity are not yet known. B. subrotundifolium measured at normal (360 ppm) and
2000 ppm CO
under identical conditions showed a 60%–80% increase in daily carbon gain so
carbon budgets modeled on normal ambient levels may be in error (Pannewitz et al. 2005).
Considerably more work has been done on Antarctic lichens than the mosses (Kappen 1993a,
2000). However, as they are poikilohydric the lichen and moss photosynthetic responses are
similar in form although differing in detail (see Longton 1988a). PPFD required for satur-
ation can be very high, often around 1000 mmol m
, and light compensation values
are dependent on the thallus temperature, for example: saturation at 1300 mmol m
above 18C and compensation from 5 mmol m
at 28Cto128mmol m
at 208C
for Leptogium puberulum Hue (Figure 13.5 and see Schlensog et al. 1997a). Sun and shade
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