¼ k
Again (2.41) ensures consistency, just like (2.23). It may be interpreted as a rule
for circular reactions: The p roduct of rate constants in one (clockwise) direction of
reaction scheme (2.19) must be the same as the product of rate constants in the other
(counterclockwise) direction. One of the rate constants in a closed loop therefore
can be calculated from the other ones.
2.5 Writing Differential Equations for Any Reaction Scheme
Writing differential equations for a complex reaction scheme may look compli-
cated, but it does not require much fantasy. First, one counts all complexes and free
ligands. Then one has to write one, and possibly a long one, differential equation for
the concentration change of each of these components. For reversible reactions in a
fixed volume in solution, these concentration changes can only be expected from
second or first order reactions. Each second order reaction has to be considered in
the concentration changes of all three components of the reaction. There may be
first order conformational changes which involve only two components (one for
each conformation) or first order decay which only involves one component,
provided the product is irrelevant and the decay is not reversible. Closed circles
in reaction schemes have to fulfill the criterion of (2.41), namely that the products
of all rate constants in one direction must be the same as the products of rate
constants in the other direction.
That is all. But when differential equations are written as part of a progr am code,
no typing error is allowed. It helps to use a “find” function in a program editor and
look for all the rate constants individually. Any rate constant involved in a bimo-
lecular reversible reaction must appear thrice. Whenever a given concentration
appears in the differential equation of this concentration, the algebraic sign in front
of the accompanying rate constant must be negative. For reversible reactions, the
number of products in each differential equation must be even. Those little controls
may help.
2.6 Analytical and Numerical Solutions
Only for the simplest cases, the sets of equations described above can be solved
analytically. But when an analytical solution is found, it is precise and reliable for
all feasible concentrations. Finding analytical solutions needs a lot of effort, but
calculating them can be done from one formula with simple spread sheets or pocket
calculators. Some of the most important analytical solutions are covered in Chap. 3.
12 2 The Basics