Enzyme kinetics, binding kinetics and equilibrium binding have been studied for
more than 100 years. These topics are well present ed in many modern textbooks
[5–11]. Their analysis is based on analytical solutions [12] and therefore is limited
to a given number of readily calculated reaction schemes. Numerical methods
overcome these limitations. They employ computers so that Chaps. 4–8 should be
read with an accompanying computer.
Programming is done in GNU Octave, a high-level language which is relatively
easy to learn and which includes simple graphical output. GNU Octave is available
for most computer platforms (Linux, windows, Mac, Sun, OS/2) and free to us all
[13]. It had originally been developed as companion software for a textbook
on reactor design [14]. Now it is continuously enhanced and refined by the GNU
community [15]. It is compatible to MA TLAB
, a very popular commercial high-
level computer language [16]. MATLAB
is well supported by MathWorks™, its
proprietor, who also offers excellent training courses. Numerous lectures or
tutorials for MATLAB
and/or GNU Octave are available in many spoken
languages on the Internet. In some universities it belongs to the curriculum of the
mathematics departments. GNU Octave requires no financial investment and seems
to be the ideal software to get started. Readers with a MATLAB
license may
prefer the MATLAB
environment and should run the MATLAB
versions of the
GNU Octave is introdu ced step by step. The installation of the program is
described in the fourth chapter, and some basic commands are explained there.
From then on the language is applied to more than 50 practical examples of
increasing complexity. All sample programs, including the MATLAB
can be found in http://www.mpi-dortmund.mpg.de/misc/numericalmethods/. Each
sample program leads to a plot. Such a plot give s a relation of dependent and
independent values and is a graphical description of the numerical function x ! y.
An explicit formula is not required, and the plot illustrates the underlying mecha-
nism. In the end the readers and their computers should be able to calculate and fit
any reaction scheme, be it as complex as they like.
Exporting Octave programs to MATLAB
requires minor changes because the
Octave functions lsode and leasqr are similar but not identical to their
equivalents. The differ ences are explained when the functions are
used. The numerical methods introduced in this textbook are based on algorithms
available in most computer languages. When speed is an issue, one may wish to use
a high-level language with a fast compiler. One important example should be
mentioned; facsimile [17] is a dedicated program package based on the Fortran
Harwell Subroutine Library. It has been developed specifically for the calculation
of chemical reactions and is available under the GNU public license [13]. Unfortu-
nately, Fortran is not directly compat ible with Octave or MATLAB.
The book is organized as follows: The second chapter covers the basics, namely
first- and secon d-order reactions. It explains how binding equilibria can be calcu-
lated from sets of ordinary equations, and how binding kinetics is calculated from
sets of differential equations. Analytic al solutions of these equations are limited to
some exampl es, the most basics of which are summarized in Chap. 3. Chapter 4
2 1 Introduction