PFE Chapter 12, Appendix: The efficient frontier with more than two assets Page 33
2. You invest $500 in a stock for which the return is determined by a coin flip. If the coin comes
up head the stock returns 10%, and if it comes up tails the investment returns -10%. What is the
average return, the return variance, and the return standard deviation of this investment, if you
flip the coin one time?
3. You have $500 to invest. You decide to split it into two parts. The return on each $250 will
be determined by a coin toss, and the results of the two tosses are not correlated. If the coin
comes up heads, the investment will return 10% and if it comes up tails it will return -10%.
What is the average return, the return variance, and the return standard deviation of this
4. The previous question assumes that the correlation between the coin flips in 0. Repeat this
question with the following correlations:
4.a. If the first coin flip is heads, then the second coin flip will be heads as well, and vice
versa (correlation of 1).
4.b. If the first coin flip is heads, then second coin flip will be tails, and vice versa
(correlation of -1).
4.c. If the first coin flip is heads, then the second coin flip will be heads with a
probability of 0.8. If the first coin flip is tails, then the second coin flip will be tails with
a probability of 0.6.
4.d. What can you conclude about the connection between the variance of the return
from the coin flips and the correlation between the flips?