cially available data logging systems. The discussion below summarizes an experi-
ence with an audit of a program that identified a flaw in a widely accepted algorithm
for calculating the scalar wind direction using a single pass method. More extensive
details on the findings can be found in Baxter (1995).
Wind speed and direction data were collected as part of a dust monitoring
program at a construction site with the data used to assess the contribution of the
construction activities to the downwind par ticulate matter concentrations. The site
was located in the middle of a densely populated urban area with a number of tall
buildings surrounding it. This made it virtually impossible to meet the EPA siting
criteria for exposure of wind sensors (U.S. EPA, 2000). While subject to building
wake turbulence, the measurements were deemed adequate to assess the general
wind direction and aid in the evaluation of the dust-producing activities.
As part of the overall program an audit was performed that identified unusual
patterns in the collected data. The site was located in southern California, and the
location was strongly influenc ed by the afternoon sea breezes. These late morning to
early evening flow patterns produce a very consistent southwest wind. The data
collected by the meteorological system, however, showed frequent interruptions of
the afternoon southwest flow with winds from a variety of other directions, including
those from the northeast. Fur ther investigation into the data logging system identi-
fied the logger used a single pass scalar average algorithm generally accepted and
described in the EPA guidelines. This algorithm corrects for the rotation through
north, allowing the proper interpretation of wind direction when winds vary from
northwest (270
) to the northeast (0
With the identification of the anomalies in the afternoon wind direction data,
several tests were performed to determine whether the problems were in the physical
instruments or whether it was in the calculation methodology. The first test involved
programming the existing data logger with an additional unit vector algorithm and
comparing the two sets of wind direction calculations. The unit vector algorithm is
also described in the EPA guidelines. Figure 3 shows the comparison of 20 days of
wind direction data when wind speeds were 1 m=s or greater. The comparison
shows some agreement, but for a significant number of values there is no obvious
The second test placed an identical wind sensor near the first one and logged
wind direction data on an independent data logger. This second system collected
data using the unit vector algorithm. Figure 4 shows unit vector comparison data
between the first and second systems when the wind speeds were 1 m=s or greater. It
is clear there is good agreement between the two systems when the unit vector
algorithm was used.
On the basis of the first two tests it was obvious there were questions about the
calculation resul ts of the singl e pass scalar algorithm. The third test performed used
a model to generate test wind data and perform wind direction averaging calculations
with a variety of methods. A simulated 1-s interval wind data set was generated and a
simple rotation introduced in the middle of the 3600-point hourly data set. This data
set was then evaluated using three averaging techniques: simple arithmetic, unit
vector, and the single pass scalar algorithm. The data set and results are shown in