above were highlighted and recommended servicing intervals provided in accord-
ance with EPA guidance. The results of the audit will eventually lead to data that can
be used for the intended modeling purposes.
The third case study draws more on the role of quality auditing in the planning
and execution of a measurement program in the early stages of setup. As part of a
large air quality and meteorological measurement program, the quality assurance
contractor held a workshop for all who were making meteorological measurem ents
as well as those who were performing the audits. The purpose of the workshop was to
introduce the QA program to all measurement personnel and identify the needs and
requirements of the program. This included the audit procedures, criteria used for
passing or failing the audits, and the overall data quality objectives. In this manner
all personnel making the measurements would understand the common goals of the
program and be prepared for the a uditing steps that would follow.
All participants in the program had many years of experience in the measure-
ments being performed. One in particular had indicated objections to the workshop
and the time it would take to go through the ‘‘orientation’’ process when it still had
half of its 35 plus sites to install. This contractor had vast experience in setup of
large networks of meteorological instrumentation on the east coast of the United
States. Reluctantly, but fortunately, they agreed to participate. As part of the work-
shop exercise, one of the tasks was for all auditors and measurement contractors to
measure the true direction of a distant landmark. A variety of methods were
employed by the participants and the results were compa red. For reference, the
workshop director, who was also the technical director for the meteorological
audit program, used his measurement as the ‘‘standard’’ by which all others were
compared. For the most part all results were within 2
. One participant was heard
mumbling and groaning, indicating his answer differed by more than 30
. After a
brief review of the method used to determine the true pointing direction, it was
learned that he had applied the local declination in the wrong direction. This
happened to be the contractor with extensive east coast experience where the local
declination is a pplied in the opposite direction. It was also the same contractor that
had responsibility for setup of over 35 stations, half of which were already in
operation with the improper alignment, an error that was eventually corrected.
The lesson of this story is that the independent audit program implemented at the
start of the field study identified and corrected a major problem early. This allowed
all participating in the project to understand the requirements, perform the measure-
ments in a consistent manner, learn from each other’s expertise, and ultimately
collect data of known quality that are defensible.
As a final example, it is valuable to address the traditional challenge of calcu-
lating an ‘‘average’’ wind direction. This is not a trivial problem since the wind
direction is a circular function that is not amenable to simple analog averages. For
years there have been debates on the appropriate method to handle the average,
whether it be dealt with on a vector basis or through some algorithms that deal
with the north crossing through 360
. The EPA has provided guidance on procedures
for calculating wind direction in regulatory driven and other monitoring programs
(U.S. EPA, 2000) that have been incorporated in one form or another into commer-