programs. In the early years of the NWS, data from these off-airport networks were
taken manually and relayed to a weather office either by telephone or by radio .
Sometimes data took hours to reach a forecast center. There was the time interval
between the observation and the phone call. More time delays were caused by busy
phones at a collection center and the time needed to relay the report to a forecast
center by phone, radio, or teletypewriter. In every step, there was a chance for human
In 1945, a three-station experimental network was deployed south of Miami to
report pressure, wind speed, and direction every 3 h. The data were transmitted by a
radio powered by batteries that were charged by a wind generator. Data were deci-
phered by the position of an information pulse between two reference pulses.
During these early years of automation, the emphasis in systems development
was on telemetering hydrometeorological parameters. Systems were designed that
would permit data to be transmitted from a remote sensor to a collecting office by
hardwire, telephone line, or radio . See Figure 21. Sensors were designed with cams,
coded discs, weighing mechanisms, potentiometers, shaft encoders, and other appa-
ratus that would transform analog data into an electrical signal. In general, these
signals had to be manually decoded at a collection center by counting beeps.
In the 1960s, the transistor era, plans were made to automate at least part of this
network for three reason s. The first was to make it possible to obtain data from sites
where observers were unavailable. Second, data were needed to be available at any
time to make forecasts and warnings timelier. The third reason was to reduce the
workload at weather offices. During weather emergencies, many hours were required
to manually collect data by telephone.
An automated hydrometeorological observing system was developed using solid-
state electronics. Data were collected via telephone from remote instr uments
connected to a collection device and powered by battery and solar cells. See
Figure 22. The remote system transmitted a fixed-format, variable-length message
coded in Ameri can Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) format. In
this same time period, the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites
(GOES) with communications relay facilities became available. Now data could
be made accessible from areas where no or unreliable telephone service was
With time, further improvements were made. Automatic event reporting sensors
replaced sensors reporting only on a fixed schedule to improve sampling for small
areas and short events. These data are also being used to provide ground truth for
satellite imagery and Doppler radar. This was a big step from when the beam from
the old WSR-57 radars was stopped above a rain gauge equipped with a transponder.
The amount of precipitation in the gauge was displayed as blips on the radar screen.
Almost any analog or digital sensor can now be interfaced to a microprocessor-
based data collection system. The first level of processing converts raw sensor data
to engineering units. The second level is used to determine such things as
maximums, minimums, means, variances, standard deviations, wind roses,
histograms, and hydrographs. Simple or sophisticated algorithms allow transmis-
sions to be sent following an out-of-limits reading on a specific sensor.