have similarly selected regions where crystal forms are relatively uniform. The
occurrence of multiple habits and multipeaked size spectra at a point measurement
is well documented in aircraft measurement and simplistically may be attributed
initially to different nucleation and growth processes (Korolev et al., 2000; Bailey
and Hallett, 2002), and subsequently to different fall speeds as well as the effects of
mixing in lateral shear as in Kelvin–Helmholtz instability at an inversion top.
A more fundamental question needing to be addressed is the meaning of any data
set of crystal shape, size, and habit distribution in a given measurement. The ques-
tion of time and spatial scale of the sample is of major importance, and the detail of
the averaging process is crucial as to how the data may be used. From a fundamental
viewpoint, we may be interested in the nucleation and growth processes in a given
volume of air that retains some coherence over growth times of interest—say some
hundreds of seconds , with some hope of characterizing individual crystals over such
a period. A Lagrangian observation strategy is therefore attractive, if not easily
accomplished. From an applied viewpoint, crystals need to be characterized over,
say, a volume of a lida r pulse some 1 m
; the volume of a radar pulse some 10
the volume of a satellite footprint some 100 km
. To assess precipitation from a
frontal system over its precipitation history, a volume of air some 10
is more
realistic; a precipitation of 1 cm over 1 km
requires some 10
individual crystals.
The realities of individual cr ystal measurement cannot compete, and the question of
what is necessary for a meaningful sample arises. Surface collection and microscopy
obviously gives a remarkably small sample and cannot provide a realistic sample for
such a use. Electro-optical systems (PMS 2DC; PMS 2DP) give greater ease of data
collection and are subject to some degree of automation, yet still provide a meager
sample in relation to the above numbers. A similar consideration applies to more
recent systems (Lawson et al., 1998). Some idea on variability in cirrus can be
obtained on a broad scale from microwave radar (Mace et al., 1998), and it is
clear that a cellular structure of order at least 100 m exists, as can readily be seen
from a cursory visual inspection of any field of cirrus.
One may resort to a broader approach by assuming that in a sufficiently large
volume of space, particle concentration, or indeed any other characteristic results
from a combination of random events such that Shannon’s maximum entropy princi-
ple applies. In this case, a Weibull distribution results (Liu and Hallett, 1998), imply-
ing that any spectrum measurement is but one of a family, and a sufficient data set may
be specified to provide the ‘‘best’’ (most probable) distribution. It is necessary to
specify a time or spatial boundary for such measurements; it may be convenient to
do this on physical grounds. For example, limiting time by a well-determined effect
(sea breeze=convection life time; Rossby wave transition time in Eulerian frame; a
field of wave clouds, etc). Any individual measurement necess arily departs from this
ideal. The reality of any particle measurement lies in the statistics of the numbers in
each size bin. In general, there are fewer larger particles and an upper limit is set for
realism by Poisson statistics for the large, rare particles. Recall that radar scattering
relates to SNr
, mass vertical flux to SNr
depending on fall regime, mass to
, optical effects to S Nr
, particle diffusion growth rate to SNr, and nucleation
processes to SN (S ¼ sum over all par ticles). Uncertainties arise in derived quantities