Conceptual models play a very important role in short-term forecasting, perhaps
even more so than in longer-ter m situations because of the lack of NWP output. A
good example of applying a conceptual model to a short-term forecas t problem can
be illustrated for the prediction of supercell thunderstorms. Once thunderstorms have
started to develop over an area, the short-term forecast for that area can be very
different depending on the character of the convection. Ordinary thunderstorms will
have a life cycle of only an hour or so, they will generally not produce large hail or
tornadoes, and they will tend to move in a straight line. In contrast, supercell
thunderstorm life cycles can be many hours, they are likely to produce severe
weather, including large hail and possible tornadoes, and their movement will
likely be to the right or left of the movement of the ordinary cells. Clearly, the
short-term forecast will be quite different if supercell thunderstorms are expected
as opposed to ordinary thunderstorms.
Considerable research has shown that supercell thunderstorms develop in regions
with at least 20 m=s of vertical wind shear in the 0 to 6 km depth above ground, and
with adequate instability to support deep convection. The basic conceptual model of
supercells is that the combination of buoyancy and shear allow a thunderstorm
structure to become organized such that the updraft and downdraft do not interfere
with each other, as is typically the case in ordinary thunderstorms. The result is a
long-lived storm with very strong updraf ts and downdrafts, and pressure perturba-
tions that lead to rotation within the storm and propagation rather than just advection
of the thunderstorm.
A forecaster will first examine the environment to determine if supercell thunder-
storms are possible. Output from NWP can provide guidance about buoyancy and
shear. However, detailed analysis of direct and remotely sensed observations is
required to identify pertinent features such as old frontal zones, outflow boundaries,
gradients in surface characteristics, and diabatic heating gradients due to cloud cover
that may modulate the shear and instability on the mesoscale. Upon completion of
this analysis the forecaster will know whether supercell thunderstorms are possible
and also if some areas are more favorable than others for their development. The
second step in this process is to use Doppler radar data to carefully examine the
three-dimensional structure of thunderstorms as they develop. The forecaster will
look for features such as tilted reflectivity cores, weak-echo regions, bounded weak-
echo regions, rotation in the velocity data in the region of the storm updraft, and
anomalous storm movement. These are structures that have been documented in
research results and are the basis of current conceptual models of supercells.
Once identified, appropriate forecasts and warnings can be issued for these storms.
A similar forecast process is used for virtually all short-term forecasting that
attempts to predict the evolution of mesoscale phenomena. A precipitation band
in a cool-season situation can be caused by many different conditions. A short-
term forecast of the behavior of the band can only be made if the forecaster under-
stands the structure and processes responsible for its existence. The short-term
forecast will be very different depending upon whether the band is due to conditional
symmetric instability, or an internal gravity wave, or postfrontal lake effect, or
orographic lift, or low-level convergence.
4 FORECASTING 0 TO 12 h 687