Administration (FAA). These specialized radars can also be used to augment the
WSR-88D coverage and improve the NWS warning lead time.
Tied to the national network is the ability to rapidly process and interpret the
single Doppler radar data for the detect ion of a variety of hazards through pattern
recognition. This ‘‘marriage’’ of the computer and radar greatly accelerates the
detection of patterns that can be very subtle and often are embedded in large
areas of high reflectivity. WSR-88D radar data from the May 3, 1999, Oklahoma
City tornado outbreak is shown integrated wi th the computerized warning decision
process in Figure 25. The Warning Decision Support System (WDSS) can indepen-
dently track many storm cells simultaneously and provide forecast guidance as to
rain severity, hail size, tornadic potential, and probably accurate tornado location and
tracking without requiring a dedicated radar scientist.
Other technological advances in development may help identify and warn of
severe storm hazards. For example, improved hail detection and rainfall estimation
may be possible with polarization of the radar beam. In this approach, two pulses are
alternatively transmitted with orthogonal polarizations (e.g., horizontal and vertical).
The polarization of each received pulse is measured and various products (such as
the ratio of the horizontal-to-vertical polarizations) can be computed. According to
electromagnetic scattering theory, if a particle were not circular, it would scatter
preferentially in its long axis, i.e., a pancake-shaped raindrop would scatter more
horizontally polarized radiation than vertical polarization. This information can be
used to improve the accuracy of rainfall estimates, discriminate hail from heavy rain,
and reduce uncertainties about the drop-size distrib ution that is being sampled. The
application of polarimetric obser vation to weather forecasting is still an active area of
research. Even so, the utility of polarimetric data in improving weather forecasting is
already recognized and the NWS is already planning to upgrade the U.S. WSR-88D
radar network to have this capability.
One of the most severe limitations to multiple Doppler radar analysis is the rather
large uncertainty in vertical air motion estimates. If fundamental problems in
convective dynamics are to be addressed, these uncertainties need to be reduced
so that a more complete picture of the mass, momentum, pressure, vorticity, thermo-
dynamic, electrical, and water substance interactions can be examined. One of the
ways to reduce the uncertainties is to observe the phenomena at higher spatial and
temporal density since it is known that convective elements possess large kinetic
energy on spatial scales of 1 to 2 km and exhibit significant evolution over 1 to 3 min.
Therefore ‘‘rapi d-scan’’ radars that can sample a storm volume within 1 min at data
densities of 200 to 300 m are needed. Such data would permit adjoint analysis
methods with cloud resolving numerical models to be implemented. This type of
radar is currently used in military applications and possibly could be adapted to
examine severe weather.
In the United States, the National Weather Service’s Storm Prediction Center (SPC)
in Norman, OK, is responsible for forecasting thunderstorm occurrence as well as