44 Chapter 3: Superconducting State
Persistent Current and Surface Resistance
Even though superconductors have, by nature, zero dc resistance, it is still of
interest to see how close they come to zero. Ideally an electric current established
in a loop of superconducting wire will persist forever. An upper limit on the
resistivity p is set by the duration of persistent current flow. For a loop of radius
r = 15cm and wire radius a--1.5mm the ratio of the inductance L =
#or[ln(8r/a) - 2] to the resistance R = 2rp/a 2 provides the time constant
= L/R, and we find
p~ ~ 6.6 • 10 -1~ f~ cm sec. (1)
Since the current flows undiminished for well over a year,
z >> 3.2 x 10 7 sec,
the resistivity is far less than the limiting value
p << 2.1
• 10 -17
~ cm.
A special case to consider is current flow along a film of thickness d. For the
square region of surface with dimensions a • a shown in Fig. 3.1, the current
encounters the resistance R s -- pa/A, where A = ad, to give
n s = p/d. (4)
This resistance p/d is called the sheet resistance, or the resistance per square,
because it is for a square section of film independent of the length of the side a. It
is analagous to the surface resistance R s -- p/6 of a metal with the skin depth
6. There is a quantum of resistance h/4e 2 with the value
h/4e 2 -- 6.45 kf~, (5)
which is one-fourth of the Hall effect resistance R H = h/e 2. When the sheet
resistance in the normal state just above Tr exceeds this value (5), the metal does
not become superconducting, as illustrated in Fig. 3.2 for bismuth. The condition
R s < h/4e 2 (6)
must be satisfied for the material to superconduct.
Fig. 3.1
f.1.- j
Geometrical arrangement and current flow direction for sheet resistance measurement. [From
Poole et al. (1995), p. 32.]