D. Several Miscellaneous Tables 7
and some of the spectroscopies have their own characteristic units, so conversion
factors will be given where appropriate.
Table 1.2 lists some of the symbols that appear commonly in the super-
conductivity literature, together with their meaning and sometimes with the
conventional units used for them. Table 1.3 lists most of the elements alphabet-
ically by symbol and gives the transition temperatures of the ones that super-
conduct. Table 1.4 provides ionic radii of many of the elements in their more
important valence states. The chapter ends with a long glossary of terms. A
shorter glossary was published in an earlier work [Owens and Poole, 1996].
Table 1.2.
List of symbols that appear commonly in the superconductivity literature. Values and units are given
for some of the entries in this table.
A, amp or ampere, unit of electric current, coulomb/second, C/sec
A, angstrom unit, 1A = 0.1 nm
B, magnetic field symbol, tesla, T
Be, critical magnetic field (some authors write Ho)
Bcl, lower critical field (some authors write He1)
upper critical field (some authors write He2)
c, speed of light in a vacuum, 2.9979 x 108 m/sec
~ degrees Celsius (centrigrade), unit of temperature
cm, centimeter
e, charge of an electron, 1.6022
x 10-19 C
E, electric field, V/m
Eg, energy gap
F, force, newton, N
h, Planck's constant, 6.6261
x 10
J, joule, unit of energy
J, electric current density, A/cm 2
J~, critical current density. A/cm 2
K, kelvin, unit of temperature
kB, Boltzmann's constant, 1.3807 x 10 -23 joule/kelvin
m, meter, unit of length
Are, number of valence electrons in an atom
R, resistance, ohm, f~
sec, second
T, tesla, unit of magnetic field B
T~, critical temperature
V, volt
4, coherence length, radius of a vortex core (Greek xi)
~c, Ginzburg Landau parameter, ~c = 2/4 (Greek kappa)
2, penetration depth, electron phonon coupling constant (Greek lambda)
2e, London penetration depth
;(, susceptibility (Greek chi)
O, magnetic flux, with units Tm 2 (Greek phi)
Oo, flux quantum, with value
x 10 -15 Tm 2 (Greek phi)