E. Glossary of Terms 23
Reentrant property
Property with second occurrence.
Refleetivity Percentage (or fractional amount) of reflected light intensity.
time Time for process to reach 1/e = 36.8% of its final value.
Remanent magnetization Mre m
Value of the magnetization when the applied
field passes through zero along a hysteresis loop.
R Measure of heat dissipation of wire carrying electrical curent;
R = pL/A
for wire of resistivity p, length L, and cross-section A.
Resistance per square
Same as sheet resistance.
Resistivity p Property of a metal that measures its ability to carry an electric
current, with the unit ohm-centimeter, f~- cm; p =
Resonant valence bond
(RVB) A theoretical approach to superconductivity.
Rhombal distortion Lowering symmetry from tetragonal to orthorhombic by
stretching along diagonal in a. b plane.
Righi-Leduc effect Establishment of a transverse temperature gradient in a
conductor carrying a longitudinal thermal current in a transverse magnetic field;
thermal analogue of Hall effect.
Rutger's formula
Expression for jump in specific heat at T c.
Scanning electron
microscope Electron beam scans the specimen surface.
Schr6dinger equation
(h2/2m)V2~ + V~- E~, basic equation of quantum
length Characterisic distance over which a potential is appreciable in
Second sound
A type of sound in a superfluid caused by variations in the
density of the normal and superfluid components.
Seebeck effect
Establishment of a steady-state longitudinal electric field in a
conductor with a longitudinal temperature gradient and no current flow; the
Seebeck coefficient S is also called thermopower.
scanning electron microscopy
Provides micrographs or highly enlarged
pictures of superconductor surfaces.
Material with electrical conductivity between those of a metal
and an insulator.
An anyon with phase 0 _in that is intermediate between that of a
boson (0 - 0) and fermion (0 = n); see Anyon.
Shapiro steps
Staircase pattem on current-voltage
characteristic of
Josephson junction.
Sheet resistance
The resistance Rshee t --p/d of a film of thickness d and
resistivity p.
Shielding current
In the absence of applied transport current the current
density J in Maxwell's equations, denoted Jsh- V x M, is called shielding
current density or magnetization current density.
Short-range order
Regularities extend only over limited regions of the lattice.
Shubnikov phase Another name for mixed state.
Silsbee effect Super-current-carrying wire going normal when its encircling B
field reaches the critical field value
B c
at the surface.