12: Magnetic
When the applied magnetic field is in the z direction, along the c axis, the
vortex has axial symmetry, its cross-section is a circle, and it has a distance
Oz(x, Y) -- 2g~2ab /2/~ab]"
When the applied field is in the x direction, along the a axis, there is no longer
axial symmetry, the cross-section is elliptical, and the distance dependence is
more complicated (Poole et al., 1995, Chap. 9).
Figure 12.7 shows vortex cross-sections for the two applied field directions.
When the applied magnetic field is aligned at an oblique angle relative to the c
direction, the expressions for the magnetic field and current density become very
complicated, with neither the internal magnetic field nor the magnetization
oriented in the same direction as Bap p.
In the cuprates the coherence length ~c along the c axis is less than the
average spacing between layers of copper oxide planes, and following the
Lawrence-Doniach model (1971), the Josephson coupling between layers is
weak. A vortex perpendicular to these layers is looked upon as a stacking of two-
dimensional (2D) pancake-shaped vortices, as shown in Fig. 12.8.
Individual Vortex Motion
The repulsive force per unit length F/L between two vortices arises from the
Lorentz force interaction F -- J1 x B2 between the current density J1 from one
vortex and the magnetic field B 2 of the other:
F/L- I J1 • B2r2 dr2 d~b2.
For the hypothetical case of vortices that are far apart, d >> 2, the current density
of one vortex is fairly uniform in the neighborhood of the other, and we can make
the approximation
F/L ~ Jl(d) • I B2r2 dr2 dq~2'
where the integral is equal to the flux quantum O0, and in the high ~c
approximation Jl(d) is given by Eq. (23). For applied fields far above the
lower critical field, Bap p >> Be1, nearest-neighbor vortices overlap, i.e. are much
closer to each other than the penetration depth 2, and Eq. (40) does not apply.