C. Tunneling 537
We can define the dimensionless Hall number, the Hall effect resistivity p~,
the Hall mobility PH (charge carrier drift velocity per unit electric field), and the
Hall angle O H as follows:
Hall number --
pxy =
la n = [vl/Ey = RI_I/p
tan | =
where V 0 is the volume per formula unit. Thus, the Hall effect distinguishes
electrons from holes, and when all charge carriers have the same sign Eq. (1)
provides the charge density n. When both positive and negative charge carriers are
present, their Hall effects partially (or totally) cancel.
Tunneling or barrier penetration is a process whereby an electron confined to a
region by an energy barrier can penetrate the barrier through a quantum
mechanical process and emerge on the other side. Tunneling is carried out
through an insulating layer, I, between two normal materials (N-I-N) such as
semiconductors, between a normal metal and a superconductor (N-I-S), and
between two superconductors (S-I-S). Tunneling through the barrier proceeds to
energy states that are empty so the Pauli exclusion principle is not violated, and
the total energy of the system is conserved in the process. Therefore, single-
electron tunneling occurs between levels with the same energy, and in two-
electron tunneling, involving for example the breakup of a Cooper pair, one
electron gains as much energy as the other loses. A positive bias +V on the
material lowers the Fermi energy level by
e V,
and electrons tunnel toward the
positive bias, with the tunneling current I flowing in the opposite direction.
Figures 11.2 and 11.3 depict tunneling at absolute zero when a normal
metal has its conduction band full below the Fermi level E F and empty above it,
and a superconductor has its energy states full below its energy gap Eg = 2A and
empty above. Figure 11.2 shows the N-I-S case in which electrons tunnel from
the superconductor to the normal metal for a negative bias V < -A/e, and from
the normal metal to the empty superconductor levels above the gap for a positive
bias V > A/e. At absolute zero no tunneling occurs for the intermediate range of
bias voltages -Ae < V < A/e, as indicated at the bottom of the figure. Figure