Chapter 5: Superconductor Types
Table 5.19.
A3B 7 compounds, all hP20 (except the one labeled
with an asterisk *).
B 7 :=~ La Y Th Ge Ru
A 3 3 3 3 4 8
Fe 8 1.9
Os 8 1.5
Co 9 1.8
Rh 9 2.6 0.3 2.2
Ir 9 2.2 1.5
Ni 10 2.0
Pt 10 0.82 1.0
Paul C. Canfield
The RNi2B2C (R - Gd-Lu, Y) series of materials is a recently discovered family
of magnetic superconductores. The Tr values for the nonmagnetic rare earths Lu
and Y are relatively high, 16.1 K and 15.6 K, respectively. The replacement of Y
or Lu with a moment-beating rare earth leads to a suppression of Tr and the
advent of antiferromagnetic ordering below the Nrel temperature T N. It can be
seen from Table 5.36 that Tr and T N values for this series have a ratio
Tc/T N
ranges from 7.3 for R - Tm to 0.60 for R - Dy. DyNi2B2C is of especial interest
as a rare example of an ordered compound with T~ < TN. Table 5.37 lists Tr
values for additional borocarbides.
The crystalline electric field splitting of the Hund's rule J-multiplet leads to
extremely anisotropic local moment magnetism for T < 100 K. These anisotro-
pies also manifest themselves in the
vs temperature phase diagrams. In
addition, Bc2(T ) is nonmonotonir in T for R - Ho-Tm because of the effects of
local moment ordering. For HoNi2B2C there is a local minimum in Be2 at
T -- 5 K, while for ErNi2B2C there is a local maximum in Br at T - 6 K for
Bapp ]lc.
The compound YbNi2B2C does not order or superconduct for temperatures
above 0.3 K, but instead enters a heavy Fermion ground state with a characteristic
Kondo temperature of T~: ~ 10 K. The electronic specific heat coefficient of
YbNi2B2C at low temperatures has the value V - 530 mJ/K 2 mol.