C. Description of the Data Tables 79
Description of the Data Tables
The transition temperature T c is, perhaps, the most important characteristic of a
superconductor. This is because it is an index of the goodness of a material and of
its suitability for practical applications. For example, we know from simple
theory, confirmed by BCS, that the upper critical field Bc2 and the critical current
density Jc are both proportional to T c. We can also conjecture from the data on
elements mentioned in the previous section that T c might be expected to depend
on the number N e of valence electrons. We have, accordingly, composed a
number of tables that present the transition temperatures of compounds of various
types by arranging their constituent elements in rows and columns according to
the number of their valence electrons. The N e value is given for each element that
is listed. Separate tables are provided for the structures that include many
examples of superconductors, such as the A15 compounds and the Chevrel
phases. Some classes of materials have more than one structure, such as the Laves
phases, and when this occurs an asterisk (*) is used to differentiate them. Some of
the tables display data for several structures of the same chemical formula, such
as AB2, and if this is the case the rows and columns are labeled with the structure
type when it is the same for every element in a particular row or column.
Occasionally, an individual compound has two structural modifications, both of
which superconduct, and sometimes this will be indicated.
The tables are arranged in the order of increasing complexity of their
chemical formulas, with elements A first, binary compounds AmB n second,
ternary compounds AmBnC p third, etc. The tables for binary compounds present
data in the order AB, AB2, AB 3 ..... AraB ~, and analogously for the ternary
compounds. The T c values for additional compounds that remain after presenting
the main structure types, such as for miscellaneous AB 2 compounds, are listed in
separate tables arranged alphabetically by element A and then by element B. Each
table caption provides the compound type and structure(s), and the compounds in
the miscellaneous listings are identified by their structure type. The structures are
designated by abbreviated Pearson codes, such as cF, where the initial lowercase
letter indicates the crystal system and the final capital letter denotes the type of
lattice, in accordance with the following notation:
Crystal system: c = cubic, h = hexagonal, t = tetragonal, o = orthorhombic,
m = monoclinic; Lattice type: P = primitive, S -- side-centered, I = body-
centered, F = face-centered, R = rhombohedral
The Pearson code ends with a number, such as cF8, where 8 denotes the number
of atoms in the unit cell. The abbreviations bcc, fcc, and hcp are occasionally
used for body-centered cubic, face-centered cubic, and hexagonal close-packed,
respectively. Chapter 6 provides a more detailed explanation of Pearson codes.
Phillips (1989) uses a Pearson code classification for the arrangement of the T c