A. Introduction 111
LuNi2B2C , the Chevrel phases with octahedral metal atom clusters, and the
perovskite type, precursor of the high-T c superconducting oxides. When the limit
in Tc is decreased, superconducting representatives are found for a relatively large
number of different structure types.
The present overviews have, with a few exceptions, been restricted to
structure types for which at least one compound has been reported with a critical
temperature above the boiling point of helium, 4.2 K. The exceptions concern
closely related structures or compounds, as well as heavy-electron compounds.
Structure types represented by materials that become superconducting only under
high pressure, after irradiation, or in thin films have not been taken into
account. The more than 100 structure types presented here are listed in Table
6.1, ordered according to the highest temperature reported for an isotypic
In the text the structures have been grouped at a first level according to the
chemical family within which superconducting representatives are found. The
chapter has thus been subdivided roughly into structures found among super-
conducting elements, intermetallics, interstitial compounds, borides and carbides,
chalcogenides, and organic compounds. This classification is, however, not
absolute, since the same structure type is sometimes adopted by different classes
of compounds. Within each section, particular structural features, such as the
substructure formed by one of the elements or selected coordination polyhedra,
have been emphasized. Also, this subdivision is only approximate, since a
structure type may contain both a particular substructure and a defined coordina-
Almost one century has passed since the discovery of superconductivity,
and a huge amount of literature on superconductors has been published. The
literature search for the preparation of this chapter was simplified by the existence
of lists of superconducting compounds, such as those given in the works by B. T.
et al.
(1963), S. V. Vonsovsky
et al.
(1982), B. W. Roberts (1976), E. M.
et al.
(1985), and L. I. Berger and R. W. Roberts (1997). A certain
number of books and review articles on particular classes of superconductors
were also consulted. Publications with structural data were often found via
et al.,
1993/94; Cenzual
et al.,
Pearson's Handbook
1997), or the
Inorganic Crystal Structures Database
et al.,
however, the original papers were always examined. No claim is made on
completeness; however, we hope that few structure types responding to the
criteria defined here have been overlooked.
b. Structure Types and Structural Relationships
Ignoring the chemical nature of the constituents, a particular geometric arrange-
ment of atoms is generally referred to as a
structure type.
Following recommen-
dations of the International Union of Crystallography, to be considered as such,
compounds should crystallize with the same space group and comparable