Physics of Energetic Systems in Flow 133
comprised a solid structure beforehand. The polymerization of a liquid progressively
increases its viscosity until it becomes solid.
The properties of fluids may thus depend on their history, or on the way we
excite them (this is the case for quicksand, yoghurt stirred with a spoon, soils
liquefaction, etc.), and the chemical transformations which they undergo (cooking of
food, polymerization during the generation of plastics, for example). Such behaviors
have significant practical importance, as they are often encountered in the chemical
industry, in the food industry and in many other natural phenomena. The complete
representation of these properties is a difficult problem which is beyond the scope of
this book; we will here limit ourselves to the presentation of just some of the laws
governing the complex viscous behavior of simple 1D flows.
The general form of the relation between the viscous stress tensor and the strain-
rate tensor must be invariant in changing reference frames (in particular, geometric
space is homogenous and isotropic). Moreover, a fluid is often a body with isotropic
physical properties (with the exception of liquid crystals, nematic and smectic
liquids, etc.), so the relationship between the viscous stresses characterized by the
and the strain rates characterized by the tensor
should not have any
favored direction. This means that the two tensors should have the same principal
axes. The general expression of the laws governing non-linear fluid behavior, which
obeys the necessary invariance in changing reference frames, is beyond the scope of
this book and we will limit ourselves in a first instance to the study of 1D flows, and
then to a more general study of Newtonian fluids which correspond to the linear
approximation of irreversible thermodynamics. For other cases the discussion
becomes quite complex and the reader should refer to texts concerning the rheology
of non-Newtonian fluids ([FRE 64], [GER 94], [TAN 00], [VER 97]).
Finally, recall that the action of the stress tensor on matter is equivalent to the
existence of the volume source
Vdiv (see section which can be written:
divpgraddiv [3.40]
Physical origin of viscosity
A fluid is comprised of matter which does not have any particular structure: the
relative positions of the particles which make up the matter are not fixed with
respect to any reference structure. These particles can move around freely, rather
like a person moving around in a crowd which is confined to a closed space: this
person can have a relatively autonomous motion in the crowd, but he or she must
follow the general motion.