12a 12b
Plate 12. Royal helmets in the sixteenth century.
Plate 12a. Helmet of Ivan IV (c.1533). Inscribed: ‘Helmet of Prince Ivan Vasil’evich, son of
Grand Prince Vasilii Ivanovich, Sovereign of All Russia and Autocrat’. See p. 243.
Plate 12b. Helmet of Ivan Ivanovich, son of Ivan IV, decorated with images of
double-headed eagles and lions (1557). Inscribed: ‘This helmet was made on the order of
the faithful and Christ-loving Tsar, Great Sovereign Ivan Vasil’evich of All Russia,
Autocrat, for his faithful son, Tsarevich Ivan Ivanovich in the fourth year after his birth, in
the glorious ruling city of Moscow on the 8th day of July, in the year 7065’. See p. 251.
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