customs posts, on trade routes 34
Czarniecki, Stefan, Polish commander 505
Daghestan 324, 332, 529
Daichin, tayishi of Kalmyks 524
Dalai Lama 521
damages, legal 230, 571
Daniil Aleksandrovich (d.1303)
defiance of Mongol khans 137
and Grand Principality of Moscow 7, 128,
138, 143, 144
see also Daniilovichi
Daniil (Danylo), son of Roman Mstislavich
(d.1264) 117, 121–3
and Andrei of Vladimir 141–2
appointed to Volyn’ and Galicia by khan of
the Mongols 123
Daniil, Metropolitan 228, 344, 353
hegumen of Iosifo-Volokolamskii
monastery 347
sermons on Christian life 354
civil war among 170–8
consolidation of territorial influence 141,
142, 147–8, 158
and the Golden Horde 159–65
control of tribute collection for 146, 156
and Novgorod 147
as princes of Vladimir-Moscow 140, 142,
154, 156, 158, 182
relations with Kievan dynasties 165–78
relations with Orthodox Church 178–86
Danyar Kasimovich, Tatar service prince
Daur peoples, Amur river 528
David Igorevich (d.1112) 92
David Rostislavich (d.1197), of Vyshgorod 113,
church building in Smolensk 116
David, son of Sviatoslav (d.1123)
expelled from Novgorod 194
joint ruler of Chernigov with Oleg 99, 101
Davidovichi, in Chernigov 104, 107
and war between Iurii and Iziaslav 105
de la Gardie, Jacob Pontus, Swedish
commander 422, 424, 426
death rituals 345
Denis, heretical priest 349
Denmark 59, 488, 503
agreement with Ivan III 233
possible alliance with Iaroslav 88
possible alliance with Tsar Michael 492
and Sweden 492, 507
Derbent, Caspian Sea 529
Derevlian tribe 57, 62
Oleg Sviatoslavich as prince of 61
son of Vladimir as prince of 75
Dervish Ali, khan in Astrakhan’ 323
Deters (Deterson), Hans, Dutch painter 643
Deulino, Truce of (1618) 429, 442, 488,
Devlet Girey, khan of Crimea, and Ottoman
expedition against Astrakhan’ 326
d’iaki (higher administrative rank in
chancelleries) 453, 454
promotion to court rank 455
Diakovo, church of St John the Baptist 343
deficiencies 42, 290
foods 25, 27
peasant 289
see also famine
Diletskii, Nikolai, Ukrainian composer 654
Dionisii, artist 197
Dionisii, Metropolitan 266
Dionysii, Abbot of Trinity-Sergius (Holy
Trinity) monastery 622
Dir, non-princely Varangian 47
disease 42
of animals (and crops) 43
see also plague
concept of 380, 571
and graduated compensation 573
divorce, Church jurisdiction over 560
Dmitrii Borisovich, prince of Dmitrov 165
Dmitrii Ivanovich (Donskoi), prince of
Moscow (d.1389) 144, 157, 159, 160–3,
171, 172
and battle of Kulikovo (1380) 162, 185
and khan Mamai 161, 162–3, 166
Life of 186
and Metropolitan Aleksei 180
and Metropolitan Kiprian 181
military resources 167
and Novgorod 202, 203
and rivals 165–8, 170
and Suzdal’ 165
and Tver’ 166–7
Dmitrii Ivanovich, grandson of Ivan III
(d.1509) 221, 350
Dmitrii Konstantinovich, prince of Suzdal’
and Nizhnii Novgorod 161, 162, 165,
167, 180
Dmitrii Krasnoi (d.1440) 174
Dmitrii Mikhailovich (d.1325) 139, 142
© Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-81227-6 - The Cambridge History of Russia, Volume 1: From Early Rus’ to 1689
Edited by Maureen Perrie
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