Alexis (Aleksei Mikhailovich), Tsar
(d.1676) 443–51, 463, 511, 614
and Church reform 627–8, 636
and Patriarch Nikon 629, 633, 634
court ceremonial 642
cultural interests
enthusiasm for theatre 653
and European influences 645, 660
music 654
portraits of 647, 651
education 658
foreign policy 503, 516
claim to Polish throne 502, 504
invasion of Lithuania 501
and southern frontier defences 497–8
and Thirteen Years War 445, 500
government 435
boyars’ council 458
inner (privy) council of advisers 451
and Morozov 550
and petition against salt tax 550, 601
political reforms 7, 445–50
Ulozhenie of 1649 443
popular criticism of 550, 601, 615
Alkas, chief of Kabardinians 332, 333
Alphabet (Bukvar’), illustrated (1694) 649
Altmark, Treaty of (1629) 490
amanat (submission of hostages) 331, 333
Ambassadorial Chancellery (Posol’skii
prikaz) 225, 446, 455, 517
and Filaret’s policies 488
amber 196
colonisation of 319
farmers 286
amulets 341
Amur, river 527, 528
frontier 327, 527
Anastasiia, daughter of Petr Mikhalkovich
Anastasiia Romanovna, first wife of Ivan
IV 8, 246, 277, 346, 428
Anastasius of Cherson 67
Andrei Aleksandrovich (d.1304) 137, 138, 143
as prince of Vladimir 137, 141–2
Andrei, bishop of Tver’ 152
Andrei Bogoliubskii (d.1174), son of
Iurii 110–12, 125
autocratic rule 112
capital at Vladimir-in-Suzdalia 110, 111, 125
capture of Kiev (1169) 110
prince of Suzdalia 108
prince of Vyshgorod 105
and principle of succession 110–11
Andrei Dmitr’evich (d.1432), of Mozhaisk 172,
and Kirillo-Belozerskii monastery 345
Andrei the Elder, son of Vasilii II (d.1493) 216,
223, 237
Andrei Fedorovich, prince of Rostov
(1364) 167
Andrei Iaroslavich (d.1252), as prince in
Vladimir 135
Andrei Ivanovich, son of Ivan III, of Staritsa
(d.1537) 221, 241–2, 250
Andrei Rublev, artist 197
Andrei, son of Vladimir Monomakh 102
Andrei the Younger, son of Vasilii II
(d.1481) 216, 223
Andrusovo Armistice (1667) 470, 506, 507, 532
extended 514
Ottoman Empire and 508
Ukrainian cossacks’ discontent with 507
Anfim, son of Sil’vestr (priest) 354
animism, in northern regions 318
Ankudinov, Timoshka, impostor 615
Anna, daughter of Emperor Isaac II Angelus,
wife of Roman Mstislavich 117
Anna, daughter of Iaroslav, wife of Henry I of
France 91
Anna of Kashin, cult of 639
Anna Koltovskaia, wife of Ivan IV 247
Anna Porphyrogenita, wife of Vladimir
Sviatoslavich 65, 67, 91n. 42
Anna Vasil’chikova, wife of Ivan IV 247
Antoniev-Siiskii monastery 280
Antonii, St, of Kiev 352
Anzerskii Skit monastery 629
apocalyptic writings 627
and the Khazars 51
and Rus’ 53, 56
Arcadiopolis 61
evidence of political turbulence
(c.860–c.871) 53
Novgorod 188, 194, 195
and Scandinavian settlements in Rus’ 48,
53, 54, 59
Archangel, port of
commercial trading links 315
constructed (1583–4) 10, 301, 315, 595
European merchants in 307, 592
fortifications 596
growth of 592
architects, Italian 233, 343, 393
© Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-81227-6 - The Cambridge History of Russia, Volume 1: From Early Rus’ to 1689
Edited by Maureen Perrie
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