Lutzen, battle of (1632) 491
L’viv, taken by Muscovy 505
Magdeburg law, in Ukraine 565
magic see witchcraft and magic
Magnus, ‘king’ of Livonia 275
Maiatsk, garrison town 513
Makarii, Metropolitan 229, 243–4, 249, 251, 353
as advisor to Ivan IV 247, 248
and coronation of Ivan IV 245, 246, 357,
398, 399
encyclopaedia (‘great menology’) 354
heresy trials 356
and national feast days 341, 344
Maksim Grek 229, 352, 357
accused of heresy 352–3
literature on Christian life 353
‘Sermon on Penitence’ 354
Maksim, Metropolitan 149, 152
Mamai, khan 160
and Dmitrii Donskoi 161, 162–3, 166
Mangazeia, on Taz river 329, 334
Mangu Temir, khan of the Golden Horde
(1267–81) 132, 136, 137
and Orthodox Church 149
Mansi (Vogul) peoples 318, 328, 330, 334
peace treaty with Muscovy 331
manuscripts, illuminated 641
Manutius, Aldus, printer 352
from Armoury workshops 650
‘Book of the Great Map’ (c.1627) 32, 34
‘Great Map’ renewed after fire in Moscow
(1626) 42
military (southern frontier) 34
Siberia (17th cent.) 32
state 36
Marfa Sobakina, wife of Ivan IV 247
Mari (Cheremis) peoples 320, 330, 334, 336
in Middle Volga region 533
and Razin revolt 606, 610
Maria, daughter of Gedimin of Lithuania,
wife of Dmitrii Mikhailovich 142
Mariia Borisovna, wife of Ivan III 221
Mariia Grigor’evna, wife of Boris
Godunov 284, 412
Mariia Iaroslavna, wife of Vasilii II 221, 237
Mariia Il’inichna, Tsaritsa 614
Mariia Kuchenei of Kabarda, wife of Ivan
IV 245, 247, 256, 325
Mariia Miloslavskaia, wife of Tsar
Alexis 443–4, 607
Mariia Nagaia, wife of Ivan IV 247, 413
Mariia Vladimirovna 275
markets 10, 309
and manufactures 310, 590
and market network 309, 311, 588
marriage, of fugitive serfs 554
Martha, widow of Fedor Alekseevich 653
Marx, Karl 16
Matiushka (or Sidorka), Third False
Dmitrii 426
Matveev, Artamon Sergeevich 612, 651, 653
as first minister 446, 508
and policy on Ukraine 509–10, 511
Mazepa, Ivan, Ukrainian hetman 516
mead 289
mechnik, swordsman and official 82
medicines, from plants 25
Medyn’ 222
Mehmed IV, Ottoman Sultan 507, 511, 513
Mehmed Girey, khan of Crimea 496
Mengli Girey, khan of Crimea 236, 238, 322
mercantilism 545, 575
and domestic commerce 542–3
English 544
European 307, 488
French 544
gosti (highest rank of ) 306, 542, 561, 574
gostinaia sotnia (merchants’ hundred)
(second-rank) 543
legal immunities 574
and long-distance trade 543
Moscow 310, 590–1
Radhanite Jewish 55, 109
reputation for dishonesty 540
sukonnaia sotnia (cloth hundred)
(provincial elite) 543
and urban unrest 608, 610
wealth of 542
see also commerce; trade
Merrick, John, mediator 487
Mertvyi Donets, river, Ottoman fortress
on 499
Meshchera Lowland 24
mestnichestvo (rules of precedence) 254, 440–1,
and military administration 519
provincial governors 473
metals, demand for 318, 539
metalworking 54, 592
Moscow 310, 590
Novgorod 196
Michael (Romanov), Tsar (1613–45) 5
and Azov crisis 496
74 8
© Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-81227-6 - The Cambridge History of Russia, Volume 1: From Early Rus’ to 1689
Edited by Maureen Perrie
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