and provincial governorships 472
role in popular uprisings 608
rules of precedence at court 254–5, 262
Boris Godunov’s reforms (1587) 267
hierarchy of ranks 438–40
support for Second False Dmitrii 421
zemshchina boyars and princes 265
see also boyars; governors; military
servitors; vicegerent
Severians (Slavs on Middle Dnieper), and
Khazars 56
Seversk lands 281, 411
ceded to Poland (1618) 488
regained (1667) 486, 506, 514
Sevsk 411, 470, 583, 586
Shah Ali, khan of Kazan’ 321
Shakhovskoi, Prince Grigorii 415, 416, 417,
Shakhovskoi, S.I., intellectual 621
Shchelkalov, A.Ia. 269
Shchelkalov, V.Ia. 280
Shcherbatyi, Prince O.I., governor of
Tomsk 603, 614
Shein, M.B., Muscovite commander 491, 600,
Shelon’, river, battle of (1471) 205
Shemakha, Caspian Sea 529
Sheremetev, Fedor Ivanovich. 418, 423, 469
Sheremetev, V.B., army commander 505
Sheremetev, V.P., army commander 501
shert’ (oath of allegiance), Turkic concept
of 331, 333, 521, 525, 535
Shestokril (‘The Six Wings’), text 349, 350
Shestovitsa, Rus’ settlement 55, 58
ship building 544
Shorin, B.V. 612
Shorin, Vasilii Grigor’evich, Moscow
merchant 604, 612
shrines 125
Shuiskii, Prince A.M., murder of 244
Shuiskii, Prince Andrei Ivanovich, killed in
prison 266, 275
Shuiskii, Prince Dmitrii, commander of
Vasilii’s army 281, 420, 424
Shuiskii, Prince Ivan Petrovich, killed in
prison 266, 275
Shuiskii, Prince Vasilii see Vasilii IV Shuiskii,
Shuiskii princes 280
court faction under Ivan IV 242, 243, 265
and False Dmitrii 413, 414, 416
removed and banished by Boris Godunov
Shvarz, Viacheslav, artist 662
Siberia 2, 27, 30
colonisation 527, 563
charter granted to Stroganovs 327
new towns 329, 580
expansion of Muscovy into 256, 329, 527–8
conquest of 270, 327–30
governorships 474n.11, 476
and judicial authority 563
native fugitives 536
purchase of non-Christian serfs 537
salt production 40
trade 34, 313, 316
use of ransom (embracery) 483
Siberia Chancellery, legal jurisdiction 566
Siberia, khanate of 234, 321, 328–9
Sibir’ (Kashlyk), centre of khanate of
Siberia 234, 328, 329
Sidorka (or Matiushka), Third False
Dmitrii 426
Sigismund II, king of Poland and
Lithuania 245
Sigismund III, king of Poland 359
ambitions in Russia 424, 428, 487
death 429, 491, 600
and First False Dmitrii 410
intervention in civil war (1609) 423
siege of Smolensk 423, 424, 426
and Second False Dmitrii 420
Silistria, pasha of 496
silks, Byzantine 59
silver coinage
eastern dirhams 51, 52, 54, 59, 191
Rus’ 69, 204, 208
see also currency
silver supplies 146, 161
from Central Europe 61
from Samanid mints 61
through Novgorod 54, 201
silver treasures 69, 198, 392
Sil’vestr, priest
advisor to Ivan IV 247, 354
Domostroi (attributed to) 342, 354
extension of Belgorod fortified line 524, 580
Razin defeated at 606
Simeon Alekseevich, Tsarevich 614, 616
Simeon Bekbulatovich, created ‘tsar’ by Ivan
IV 260–1
Simeon, son of Ivan III, of Kaluga (d.1518) 221
Simon, Metropolitan 229, 339, 350, 351
Simonovskii monastery 347
sinodiki (commemoration lists) 250, 346
© Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-81227-6 - The Cambridge History of Russia, Volume 1: From Early Rus’ to 1689
Edited by Maureen Perrie
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