sites are depleted in Sn, while some Sn atoms are still located there, and the
sites are enriched in Sn.
When the precision of x-ray diffraction data is high, which appears to be
the case here, it is possible to refine the population of different
crystallographic sites to eliminate guesses and obtain a quantitative result.
The best way to do so is to return to the overall displacement parameter and
instead of refining individual atomic displacement parameters, include the
refinement of the individual population parameters in the corresponding
full occupancy of all sites, i.e.
the corresponding constraints
should be set at Ansnl
xAnNil and
-lxAnNi2. The file
in which all parameters are
properly constrained, is found on the
This Rietveld refinement step
results in the following occupancies of the two sites in question:
The negative occupancy by Sn of the
2(c) site has no physical sense,
especially given that the absolute value of the occupancy is comparable with
the standard deviation. Thus, this site appears to be pure Ni. On the other
hand, it is confirmed by the refinement that all Sn is segregated in the 3(g)
sites. It is worth noting that when the chemical composition of the forn~ula
unit is calculated from the refined occupancies, the result is
LaNi4.83c2,Sno.17(2), which matches the as-prepared chemical composition of
the material within one standard de~iation.~
We note that since one of the sites, l(a) seems to be fully occupied by La, the least squares
refinement of the population parameters of the two remaining sites, 2(c) and 3(g) may be
carried out together with the scale factor. Only when the population of all sites is in
question, special precautions should be taken to avoid severe correlation between the scale
factor and all population parameters. When all sites are occupied partially, diffraction data
alone normally do not provide an adequate answer because both
and are simple
multipliers, which affect the scattered intensity. Other experimental methods should be
employed to establish andlor prove that defects exist on all lattice sites. One of these are
precise gravimetric density data.
Refinement of the crystal structure is, therefore, a powerful chemical analysis technique.
Unlike conventional chemical analysis, which only yields the bulk composition of the
sample, powder diffraction analysis facilitates accurate determination of the occupancies
of different crystallographic sites by various chemical elements, or in other words,
establishes precise chemical composition of the crystal at the atomic resolution. It should
be noted that the results may be considered reliable only when the difference in the
scattering ability of atoms in question is significant, in addition to a very high quality of
experimental data. This is indeed the case here because scattering factors of Sn and Ni are
related as