The reference intensity ratio method
is based on the experimentally
established intensity ratio between the strongest Bragg peaks in the
examined phase and in a standard reference material. The most typical
reference material is corundum, and the corresponding peak is (1 13). The
reference intensity ratio
is quoted for a 5050
mixture of the
material with corundum, and it is known as the "corundum number". The
latter is commonly accepted and listed for many compounds in the
ICDD's Powder Diffraction File. Even though this method is simple and
relatively quick, careful account and/or experimental minimization of
preferred orientation effects are necessary to obtain reliable quantitative
Rietveld refinement
(Chapter 7, section 7.3.5 and the example in section
7.3.8) of multiple phase samples may be used for relatively accurate
quantitative analysis. It requires knowledge of the atomic structure for
each phase present in the mixture. Structural data are needed to calculate
corresponding intensities. Scale factors for every phase present in the
mixture, which are determined quite accurately during Rietveld
refinement, are proportional to the fraction of the unit cells present in the
irradiated volume of the sample. The latter directly follows from Eqs.
2.18 and 2.19 after recalling that the proportionality coefficient,
constant in any given powder diffraction experiment. Thus, the scale
factors can be easily converted into weight, molar or volume fractions of
the respective phase. This method appears to be one of the fastest and,
perhaps, the most reliable tool in quantitative phase analysis, especially
because it offers a possibility to introduce a preferred orientation
correction in addition to quantitative analysis with respect to all present
Full pattern decomposition
using Le Bail's or Pawley's techniques (see
does not require the atomic structure to be known and it
produces intensities of individual Bragg peaks. Thus, multiple reflections
from each phase can be used to compute intensity ratios required in
methods described in items
above, which increases the
accuracy of the analysis. The use of multiple Bragg peaks in evaluating
an average intensity ratio, to some extent diminishes the detrimental
influence of preferred orientation as long as it remains small to moderate.
This method, however, requires lattice parameters and therefore, is
applicable to indexed patterns only. The phase composition is actually
determined using any of the first four methods listed above by using
intensities of several strong or all Bragg peaks instead of a single
Both the accuracy and limits of detection in a quantitative analysis are
dependent on the method used, the quality of the experimental data, and