Chapter 4
original pattern is equal to the total number of the observed data points. In
this case, the reverse Fourier transformation results in the original pattern.
Each Fourier coefficient corresponds to a signal of specific frequency
observed in the original pattern: the higher order coefficients represent the
higher frequency signals. Thus, when high order coefficients are set to zero
or lowered, the reverse FFT produces a pattern similar to the original but
with removed or reduced high frequency noise, or in other words, a
smoother pattern. Setting more high order coefficients at zero produces
stronger smoothing. As a result, the removal of high frequency noise
"improves" the pattern but at the same time, more and more fine details
(weak or narrowly split peaks) are lost. The loss of weak features in a pattern
is a common problem in any smoothing algorithm.
Similar to background removal, smoothing should never be applied to a
powder diffraction pattern, which will be later used for profile fitting or
Rietveld refinement.' When performed, smoothing may improve certain
figures of merit
(e.g. R,,, R, and X2, see Eqs. 6.18, 6.19 and 6.22 in Chapter
6, below), but it will likely and considerably distort lattice parameters and
most certainly all intensity-sensitive structural parameters, including
coordinates, displacement and population parameters of the individual
atoms. The only reliable and justifiable way to improve the true quality of
the full profile fit is to perform a more accurate (i.e. careful sample
preparation and/or longer counting time) powder diffraction experiment.
The presence of dual wavelengths in conventional x-ray sources, or in
other words the presence of the Ka2 component in both the incident and
diffracted beams, complicates powder diffraction patterns by adding a
second set of reflections from every reciprocal lattice point. They are located
at slightly different Bragg angles when compared with those of the
(Kal) component. This decreases resolution and increases overlapping of
Bragg peaks, both of which have adverse effect on an unbiased peak search.
Since every
KallKa2 double peak is caused by scattering from a single
reciprocal lattice point, the d-spacing remains constant and the scattered
intensity is proportional to the intensities of the two components in the
characteristic spectrum. Using Braggs' law the following equation reflects
the relationship between the positions of the
peaks in the doublet:
Unlike background removal, where the subtraction of a constant background is permissible
(see the footnote on page
this statement has no exceptions.