Experimental techniques 323
Hence, a continuous scan produces data nearly identical to those
collected by means of a step scan, i.e. powder
data are saved in
the format shown in Figure
The only difference is that the intensity is
not given for a fixed detector position, but for a median Bragg angle in the
scanned interval. To minimize the introduction of a small, but systematic
error, an intensity measurement during continuous scanning always begins
from 20
A2012, where 29,dia,, is the median Bragg angle saved in
the data file. For example, the diffracted intensity at the Bragg angle 20
10" with a sampling interval A20
0.02" is the result of accumulating an
x-ray photon count during continuous scanning from
to 10.01" of 20.
The two most important parameters in a continuous scan, which are
defined by the user, are the sampling interval (step), s, and the angular
velocity (scan rate), r. The sampling step is equivalent to the step size in the
step scan mode. Everything said about the size of the step in the previous
section, therefore, applies to the sampling step during the continuous scan.
The two parameters, i.e. counting time, t, in the step scan and the scan rate,
r, in the continuous scan are related to one another as follows
Eq. 3.7, t is in seconds,
is in degrees, and r is in degreeslmin. Thus, a
continuous scan with the rate r
0.1 deglmin and with the sampling step
0.02" is equivalent to a step scan with the same step and counting time
12 slstep. When the sampling step is reduced at a constant scan rate, this is
equivalent to the proportional reduction of counting time and vice versa.
modern diffractometers both scanning modes result in nearly identical
quality of experimental data.
step scan is usually considered as the one
with less significant positioning errors, which could be important in
experiments where the maximum lattice parameter precision is essential.
Continuous scans are used most often for fast experiments, whereas step
scans are usually employed in overnight or weekend experiments.
Predictably, when counting times are short (t
s) step scans take
longer to complete (the required time may be easily doubled when compared
with the identical quality continuous scans). This occurs because no intensity
is measured when the goniometer arms move to the next position (compare
the flow chart from Figure 3.42 with that from Figure 3.45). The difference
in the time of the experiment becomes negligible during overnight or
weekend experiments.
Many commercial powder diffractometers have physical limits on the
lowest scan rate. For example in the Scintag
XDS2000 system, the scan rate
cannot be lowered below 0.1 deglmin. This scan rate is equivalent to the