n protanopia
A form of colour-blindness suffered by 1 per cent of males in which great difficulty
is experienced in seeing the colour red, and red and yellow are confused with
yellow and green. Sometimes referred to as ‘red blindness’. Its sufferers are referred
to as ‘protanopes’. See dichromacy.
a pruinose
Having a whitish bloom like hoar-frost.
c prune
The very dark purple colour of the prune – a colour popular in the 1930’s.
a Prussian
Pertaining to colours or dye substances originating in Prussia.
c Prussian blue
A deep or intense blue or sometimes greenish blue also called Royal blue. Created
by chance in Berlin in 1704, it was one of the first synthetic pigments and was
used extensively by Canaletto in painting his skies. Also used by Gainsborough.
It is called by many other names including Berlin blue, Chinese blue, Milori
blue, Paris blue, iron blue and steel blue.
c Prussian brown
A dark brown.
pr psaro- (G)
n pseudepisematic
An animal with colouring enabling it to mimic its prey or its surroundings.
a pseudoposematic
The same as aposematic.
c psyche
A light yellowy-green.
a psychedelic
Having an effect (as for example by the display of bright colours) similar to that
induced by certain drugs.