c Pantone 109
One of the thousands of Pantone colours (see Pantone Red). This distinctive yellow
shade has been registered as a trade mark by the Automobile Association for
use on its livery. By registering a colour as a trade mark a business can stop others
from using that colour in conjunction with a similar business. Other examples
of trade mark registrations in the UK include the orange registered by Dyno-
Rod and the yellow and green registered by BP. Colour names can also be
registered as trade marks. An action for passing off can also be used to protect
a business’s use of a distinctive colour but this is difficult to substantiate. In 1990
The Financial Times, which has been printed on distinctive salmon-pink coloured
newsprint since January 1893, failed in its attempt to stop The Evening Standard
from publishing its centre business pages in a similar shade. A colour or a combi-
nation of colours can constitute a Community Trade mark to the extent that it
distinguishes the goods or services of a business from those of another.
c Pantone Red
According to The Times of 22.4.98 the British Tomato Growers Association has
adopted Pantone red as its trade logo though a small proportion of British tomatoes
reach this dark rich red hue. Pantone colours have been developed and marketed
by Pantone, Inc a leading provider of technology and systems for the communication
of colour and colours. The Pantone Textile Colour Guide provides a comprehensive
classification of 1,701 colours for the textile industry.
c pæonin
A red colour.
c PapayaWhip
One of the colours in the X11 Color Set. It has hex code #FFEFD5.
c paprika
The reddish-orange colour of the spice paprika; a shade of brown.
c para-red
A deep red.
a parachroous
Having a false colour or deprived of colour.
adjective a
adverb adv
a colour c
noun n
prefix pr
suffix su
verb vb