n melanin
A black, brown or grey pigment in humans and animals imparting colour to hair,
skin and to the iris of the eye produced by melanocytes. The amount of melanin
produced is increased when the skin is exposed to the sun. The skin therefore
becomes darker thus giving greater protection from ultraviolet light. Moles and
freckles are caused by melanocytes producing too much melanin in a particular
area of the skin. Researchers at the South Bank University in London have discov-
ered the possibility that drug-testing using the subject’s hair can overstate the
level of the presence of drugs by up to 10 per cent if the subject is black or has
black hair. This is because the darker the hair the greater its melanin content and
drugs bind themselves to the melanin. Research by James Mackintosh suggests
that man developed dark skin because of the anti-microbial powers of melanin
rather than as a protection from the sun.
n melanism
The condition of those animals producing excessive melanin rendering their skin,
features, hair or eyes black in colour.
a melanochorous
Variegated in the colours of yellow and black.
n melanocytes
Cells in mammals producing the pigment, melanin, which causes the skin to
n melanophore
A colour-changing cell or chromatophore which contains black pigmentation.
n melanosporous
Having black spores.
a melanotrichous
Having black hair.
a melanous, melanic
Having black hair and a dark complexion. See also xanthous,
xanthocroid and leucomelanous.
adjective a
adverb adv
a colour c
noun n
prefix pr
suffix su
verb vb